Diablo 2

Diablo 2 Runewords Recipes: For Items, Rune Order & Stats

Hey, I’m Zathong and this guide about Runewords Leaderboards in Diablo 2. Runewords in Diablo 2 cover the different Rune combinations that can be socketed into equipment. Let’s just get into the details below!

Diablo 2 Runeword Recipes

Runewords by categories, such as best armor rune words, best weapon rune words, as well as early game Rune words and Runewords by level.

Runewords NameRune OrderReq LvlAllowed Items
Ancient’s PledgeRal + Ort + Tal213 Socket Shields
BeastBer + Tir + Um + Mal + Lum635 Socket Axes/
5 Socket Scepters/
5 Socket Hammers
BlackThul + Io + Nef353 Socket Clubs/
3 Socket Hammers/
3 Socket Maces
BoneSol + Um + Um473 Socket Chest Armor
BrambleRal + Ohm + Sur + Eth614 Socket Chest Armor
BrandJah + Lo + Mal + Gul654 Socket Missile Weapons
Breath of the DyingVex + Hel + El + Eld + Zod + Eth696 Socket Weapons
Call to ArmsAmn + Ral + Mal + Ist + Ohm575 Socket Weapons
Chains of HonorDol + Um + Ber + Ist634 Socket Chest Armor
ChaosFal + Ohm + Um573 Socket Claws
Crescent MoonShael + Um + Tir473 Socket Axes/
3 Socket Swords/
3 Socket Polearms
DeathHel + El + Vex + Ort + Gul555 Socket Swords/
5 Socket Axes
DeliriumLem + Ist + Io513 Socket Helm
DestructionVex + Lo + Ber + Jah + Ko655 Socket Polearms/
5 Socket Swords
DoomHel + Ohm + Um + Lo + Cham675 Socket Axes/
5 Socket Polearms/
5 Socket Hammers
DragonSur + Lo + Sol613 Socket Chest Armor/
3 Socket Shields
DreamIo + Jah + Pul653 Socket Helms/
3 Socket Shields
DuressShael + Um + Thul473 Socket Chest Armor
EdgeTir + Tal + Amn253 Socket Missile Weapons
EnigmaJah + Ith + Ber653 Socket Chest Armor
EnlightenmentPul + Ral + Sol453 Socket Chest Armor
EternityAmn + Ber + Ist + Sol + Sur635 Socket Melee Weapons
ExileVex + Ohm + Ist + Dol574 Socket Paladin Shields
FaithOhm + Jah + Lem + Eld654 Socket Missile Weapons
FamineFal + Ohm + Ort + Jah654 Socket Axes/
4 Socket Hammers
Flickering Flame
(Added in Patch 2.4)
Nef + Pul + Vex553 Socket Helms
FortitudeEl + Sol + Dol + Lo594 Socket Weapons/
4 Socket Chest Armor
FuryJah + Gul + Eth653 Socket Melee Weapons
GloomFal + Um + Pul473 Socket Chest Armor
GriefEth + Tir + Lo + Mal + Ral595 Socket Swords/
5 Socket Axes
Hand of JusticeSur + Cham + Amn + Lo674 Socket Weapons
HarmonyTir + Ith + Sol + Ko394 Socket Missile Weapons
Heart of the OakKo + Vex + Pul + Thul554 Socket Staves/
4 Socket Maces (Flails)
Holy ThunderEth + Ral + Ort + Tal214 Socket Scepters
HonorAmn + El + Ith + Tir + Sol275 Socket Melee Weapons
IceAmn + Shael + Jah + Lo654 Socket Missile Weapons
InfinityBer + Mal + Ber + Ist634 Socket Polearms/
4 Socket Spears
(Spears added in Patch 2.4)
InsightRal + Tir + Tal + Sol274 Socket Polearms/
4 Socket Staves
King’s GraceAmn + Ral + Thul253 Socket Swords/
3 Socket Scepters
KingslayerMal + Um + Gul + Fal534 Socket Swords/
4 Socket Axes
Last WishJah + Mal + Jah + Sur + Jah + Ber656 Socket Swords/
6 Socket Hammers/
6 Socket Axes
LawbringerAmn + Lem + Ko433 Socket Swords/
3 Socket Hammers/
3 Socket Scepters
LeafTir + Ral192 Socket Staves
LionheartHel + Lum + Fal413 Socket Chest Armor
LoreOrt + Sol272 Socket Helms
MaliceIth + El + Eth153 Socket Melee Weapons
MelodyShael + Ko + Nef393 Socket Missile Weapons
MemoryLum + Io + Sol + Eth374 Socket Staves
(Added in Patch 2.4)
Cham + Shael + Gul + Thul + Ith674 Socket Missile Weapons
MythHel + Amn + Nef253 Socket Chest Armor
NadirNef + Tir132 Socket Helms
OathShael + Pul + Mal + Lum494 Socket Swords/
4 Socket Axes/
4 Socket Maces
ObedienceHel + Ko + Thul + Eth + Fal415 Socket Polearms/
5 Socket Spears
(Spears added in Patch 2.4)
(Added in Patch 2.4)
Zod + Ist + Lem + Lum + Io + Nef696 Socket Staves
PassionDol + Ort + Eld + Lem434 Socket Weapons
(Added in Patch 2.4)
Tal + Ort + Thul233 Socket Claws
PeaceShael + Thul + Amn293 Socket Chest Armor
PhoenixVex + Vex + Lo + Jah654 Socket Weapons/
4 Socket Shields
(Added in Patch 2.4)
Cham + Shael + Um673 Socket Swords/
3 Socket Claws/
3 Socket Daggers
PrideCham + Sur + Io + Lo674 Socket Polearms/
4 Socket Spears
(Spears added in Patch 2.4)
PrincipleRal + Gul + Eld533 Socket Chest Armor
PrudenceMal + Tir492 Socket Chest Armor
RadianceNef + Sol + Ith273 Socket Helms
RainOrt + Mal + Ith493 Socket Chest Armor
RhymeShael + Eth292 Socket Shields
RiftHel + Ko + Lem + Gul534 Socket Polearms/
4 Socket Scepters
SanctuaryKo + Ko + Mal493 Socket Shields
SilenceDol + Eld + Hel + Ist + Tir + Vex556 Socket Weapons
SmokeNef + Lum372 Socket Chest Armor
SpiritTal + Thul + Ort + Amn254 Socket Swords
4 Socket Shields
SplendorEth + Lum372 Socket Shields
StealthTal + Eth172 Socket Chest Armor
SteelTir + El132 Socket Swords/
2 Socket Axes/
2 Socket Maces
StoneShael + Um + Pul + Lum474 Socket Chest Armor
StrengthAmn + Tir252 Socket Melee Weapons
TreacheryShael + Thul + Lem433 Socket Chest Armor
Unbending Will
(Added in Patch 2.4)
Fal + Io + Ith + Eld + El + Hel416 Socket Swords
VenomTal + Dol + Mal493 Socket Weapons
Voice of ReasonLem + Ko + El + Eld434 Socket Swords/
4 Socket Maces
WealthLem + Ko + Tir433 Socket Chest Armor
WhiteDol + Io352 Socket Wand
WindSur + El612 Socket Melee Weapons
(Added in Patch 2.4)
Pul + Ith + Eld453 Socket Helms
WrathPul + Lum + Ber + Mal634 Socket Missile Weapons
ZephyrOrt + Eth212 Socket Missile Weapons

Rune Image:

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