Mobile Legends

Best Zilong build 2025: Items, Emblems & Combo [Mobile Legends]


Zilong is a Fighter/Assassin has high damage, excellent mobility and great ganker. You can use Zilong for EXP lane and Jungle. I will assist you in playing this Zilong hero and learn about Zilong’s abilities, Items, Emblems & Strategy.

Role: Fighter/Assassin – Gold: 15000$ | 399 Diamond

Specialty: Chase/Charge

Lane: EXP, Jungle

Hero Tier: A+

Movement SPD: 265Physical Attack: 123
Magic Power: 0Physical Defense: 25
Magical Defense: 10  HP: 2689
Mana: 405Attack Speed: 0.964
Hp Regen: 7Mana Regen: 3.2

Zilong Spells Build

Spells are something that you can utilize in-game to give Zilong an extra skill.

Zilong Items Build

You need get the strongest items for Zilong. This is how to make your heroes stronger and easier to win.

Sustained DPS


Attack Speed Effects

Pro Build (Recommend)

Effects items build:

EffectsRecommend Items
Physical AttackDemon Hunter SwordEndless BattleBlade_of_DespairBlade _of_the_HeptaseasBerserker's FuryCorrosion_ScytheGolden_StaffMalefic RoarGreat Dragon SpearHaas's Claws
Attack SpeedDemon Hunter SwordWindtalkerCorrosion_ScytheGolden_StaffHaas's Claws
LifestealEndless BattleHaas's Claws
CD ReductionEndless BattleGreat Dragon Spear
Movement SpeedSwift_BootsEndless BattleWindtalkerBlade_of_DespairRapid_BootsCorrosion_ScytheGreat Dragon Spear
HPEndless BattleBlade _of_the_Heptaseas
Crit ChanceWindtalkerBerserker's FuryGreat Dragon SpearHaas's Claws
Mana RegenEndless Battle
Physical PenetrationMalefic Roar
Deal damage based on maximum HPDemon Hunter Sword
HP RegenImmortality
Physical DefenseImmortality

Zilong Emblems Build

Emblems are enhancements for Zilong that provide effects as well as bonus attributes.

Zilong Assassin emblems set 1:


Zilong Assassin emblems set 2:

Zilong Assassin emblems set

Zilong Assassin emblems set 3:

Zilong Assassin emblems set

How to play Zilong ?

Zilong is a fighter with high mobility and damage. He is excelling in split pushing.

He is also good in ganking because of his mobility and skills.

He can win against all enemies in a 1v1 situation.

Zilong has high burst damage together with his passive (Dragon Flurry) so he can easily take down squishy targets.

Use skill 1 (Spear Flip) to throw your enemies in your own turrets.

Use skill 2 (Spear Strike) for escaping by targeting a minion or a jungle monsters. Also, skill 2 cooldown will reset if he kills an enemy champion.

Skill 3 (Supreme Warrior) can be use for initiation, escaping or for canceling crowd control.


Early game (level 1-7): Zilong is one of the best early game heroes in Mobile Legends. He is often used to gank enemy heroes in the early game.

Mid game (level 8-12): His split-pushing abilities are particularly strong in the mid game.

Late game (level 13+): Zilong’s effectiveness drops off significantly in the late game. He should avoid team fights whenever possible, as he will likely be targeted and eliminated quickly.

Zilong Skill Order

Skill Order: Skill 2 -> Skill 3 -> Skill 1.

Spear Flip
Spear Flip
Spear Strike
Spear Strike
Supreme Warrior
Supreme Warrior

Effects from skills’s Zilong:

Passive (Dragon Flurry): Buff, Heal.

Skill 1 (Spear Flip): CC, Damage.

Skil 2 (Spear Strike): Blink, Debuff.

Skill 3 (Supreme Warrior): Speed Up, Buff.

Zilong Combo

These are the basic combos for Zilong, I hope you’ll do well with it.

Combo 1: Skill 2 -> AA -> Skill 1 -> AA.

Spear StrikeSpear Strike -> AA -> Spear FlipSpear Flip -> AA

Combo 2: Skill 3 -> Skill 2 -> AA -> Skill 1 -> AA.

Supreme WarriorSupreme Warrior -> Spear StrikeSpear Strike -> AA -> Spear FlipSpear Flip -> AA

Combo 3: Skill 2 -> Skill 3 -> AA -> Skill 1 -> AA.

Spear StrikeSpear Strike -> Supreme WarriorSupreme Warrior -> AA -> Spear FlipSpear Flip -> AA

Zilong Pros & Cons

+ Great ganker.
+ High damage.
+ Can flip enemy.
+ Very easy to use.
+ Excellent mobility.
+ Excellent Initiator/split laner.
+ Insane burst damage and can increase his HP.
– Squishy.
– High mana usage.
– Doesn’t have any major crowd controls such as stun, etc.
– Weak to crowd controls.
– Weak to high burst damage in late game.

Zilong’s Rival & Teammates

Zilong is strong against: Miya, Fanny, Gord, Layla, Karrie.

Zilong is weak against: Akai, Gatotkaca, Freya, Natalia, Tigreal.

Zilong must team up with: Fanny + Nana + Layla + Johnson.

Zilong Build Breakdown

Spells are suitable for Zilong:


Using spell Retribution for Zilong jungle and Sprint or Inspire for Zilong Exp lane.

Items are suitable for Zilong:

Attack Items:

Demon Hunter SwordEndless BattleWindtalkerBlade_of_DespairBlade _of_the_HeptaseasBerserker's FuryEndless BattleCorrosion_ScytheMalefic RoarGreat Dragon SpearHaas's Claws

Defense Items:


Movement Items:


If you like Zilong Sustained DPS you can use combo items: Demon Hunter Sword, Swift Boots, Endless Battle, Windtalker, Immortality, Blade of Despair.

If you like Zilong Burst you can use combo items: Blade of the Heptaseas, Rapid Boots, Windtalker, Berserker’s Fury, Endless Battle, Blade of Despair.

If you like Zilong Attack Speed Effects you can use combo items: Corrosion Scythe, Swift Boots, Demon Hunter Sword, Golden Staff, Blade of Despair, Malefic Roar.

If you like Zilong Pro Build you can use combo items: Swift Boots, Windtalker, Berserker’s Fury, Great Dragon Spear, Haas’s Claws, Malefic Roar.

Emblems are suitable for Zilong:

Assassin emblems set:

  • Adaptive Penetration: +16.
  • Adaptive Attack: + 10.
  • Movement Speed: +3%.

Best lane for Zilong:


Exp LaneX
Mid Lane
Gold Lane

Win/Ban/Pick Rate for Zilong:

  • Win Rate: 46.92%.
  • Pick Rate: 0.19%.
  • Ban Rate: 0.06%.

Zilong best for rank:


Zilong Skills

Passive – Dragon Flurry

After 3 basic attacks will activate Dragon Flurry, the next attack will hit the target 3 times.

Skill 1 – Spear Flip

Spear Flip will throw enemies over Zilong’s head.

Skill 2 – Spear Strike

Spear Strike is a skill that reduces the enemy’s defense. Zilong rushes forward to attack, dealing physical damage.

Skill 3 – Supreme Warrior

Supreme Warrior helps Zilong remove slow effects, increase movement speed and attack speed.

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