Mobile Legends

Best Brody build 2025: Items, Emblems & Strategy [Mobile Legends]

Hey, I’m Zathong and this guide is about Brody Build in Mobile Legends. I will assist you in playing this Brody champion more effectively in Rank and Classic.

Best Brody build guides for Mobile Legends 2024. I works hard to keep my’s Mobile Legends builds and guides updated, and will help you craft the best Brody build for the meta. Learn more about Brody’s abilities, Items, Emblems & Strategy.

Role: Marksman – Gold: 32000$ | 599 Diamond

Specialty: Burst/Reap

Lane: Gold

Hero Tier: S+

Movement SPD: 253Physical Attack: 105
Magic Power: 0Physical Defense: 20
Magical Defense: 10HP: 2490
Mana: 435Attack Speed: 0.9664
Hp Regen: 7.2Mana Regen: 3

Brody Spells Build

Spells are something that you can utilize in-game to give Brody an extra skill.

Brody Items Build

You need get the strongest items for Brody. This is how to make your heroes stronger and easier to win.

Sustained DPS



Pro Build (Recommend)

Effects items build:

EffectsRecommend Items
Physical AttackEndless BattleBlade_of_DespairMalefic RoarBerserker's FuryHaas's ClawsBlade _of_the_HeptaseasRose_Gold_MeteorHunter Strike
Magic DefenseRose_Gold_Meteor
LifestealEndless BattleRose_Gold_Meteor
CD ReductionEndless BattleHaas's ClawsHunter Strike
Movement SpeedEndless BattleSwift_BootsBlade_of_DespairWarrior_Boots
HPEndless BattleBrute_Force_BreastplateBlade _of_the_Heptaseas
Mana RegenEndless BattleBerserker's Fury
Physical PenetrationMalefic Roar
Physical DefenseBrute_Force_BreastplateImmortality
HP RegenImmortality

Brody Emblems Build

Emblems are enhancements for Brody that provide effects as well as bonus attributes.

Brody Assassin emblems set 1:


Brody Assassin emblems set 2:


Brody Skill Order

Skill Order: Skill 1 -> Skill 3 -> Skill 2.

Abyss Impact
Abyss Impact
Corrosive Strike
Corrosive Strike
Torn-Apart Memory
Torn-Apart Memory

Effects from skills’s Brody:

Passive (Abyss Corrosion): Buff.

Skill 1 (Abyss Impact): AoE, Slow | Type: Physical Skill.

Skill 2 (Corrosive Strike): Blink, CC | Type: Blink.

Skill 3 (Torn-Apart Memory): Burst, AoE | Type: Physical Skill.

Brody Combo

These are the basic combos for Brody, I hope you’ll do well with it.

Combo 1: Skill 1 -> AA -> Skill 2 -> AA -> Skill 3.

Abyss ImpactAbyss Impact -> AA -> Corrosive StrikeCorrosive Strike -> AA -> Torn-Apart MemoryTorn-Apart Memory

Combo 2: Skill 2 -> Skill 1 -> AA -> Skill 3.

Corrosive StrikeCorrosive Strike -> Abyss ImpactAbyss Impact -> AA -> Torn-Apart MemoryTorn-Apart Memory

Brody Pros & Cons

+ The attack range is far enough.
+ The movement is very agile.
+ Easy use.
+ Strong in the early game.
+ Superior one-on-one situations.
– Difficult to do farming.
– Very dependent on stack.
– Pretty slow attack speed.
– Weak when late game.
– Weak against opponent crowd control attacks.

Brody’s Rival & Teammates

Brody is strong against: Layla, Sun, Freya, Wanwan, Carmilla.

Brody is weak against: Ling, Yu Zhong, Khufra, Gusion, Esmeralda.

Brody must team up with: Minotaur + Hayabusa + Freya + Cyclops.

Brody Play Strategy

Brody is a Marksman has attack range far, high mobility and strong early game. You can use Brody for Gold lane.


Spells are suitable for Brody:


Using spell Retribution for Brody jungle and Aegis or Flicker for Brody Gold lane.

Items are suitable for Brody:

Attack Items:

Endless BattleBlade_of_DespairMalefic RoarBerserker's FuryHaas's ClawsBlade _of_the_HeptaseasRose_Gold_MeteorHunter Strike

Defense Items:


Movement Items:


If you like Brody sustained DPS you can use combo items: Endless Battle, Swift Boots, Blade of Despair, Malefic Roar, Brute Force Breastplate, Immortality.

If you like Brody burst you can use combo items: Berserker’s Fury, Swift Boots, Malefic Roar, Blade of Despair, Haas’s Claws, Immortality.

If you like Brody jungle you can use combo items: Haas’s Claws, Ice Hunter’s Swift Boots, Brute Force Breastplate, Blade of Despair, Malefic Roar, Immortality.

If you like Brody pro build you can use combo items: Warrior Boots, Blade of the Heptaseas, Blade of Despair, Malefic Roar, Rose Gold Meteor, Hunter Strike.

Emblems are suitable for Brody:

Assassin emblems set:

  • Adaptive Penetration: +16.
  • Adaptive Attack: + 10.
  • Movement Speed: +3%.

Best lane for Brody:


Exp Lane
Mid Lane
Gold LaneX

Win/Ban/Pick Rate for Brody:

  • Win Rate: 51.02%.
  • Pick Rate: 2.99%.
  • Ban Rate: 1.12%.

Brody best for rank:

Mythical Glory
Mythical Glory

How to play Brody:

Brody is a marksman hero with high burst damage and mobility.

While laning try to hit enemies through the minion wave with skill 1 (Abyss Impact).

Do not ever use your ultimate (Torn-Apart Memory) first, try to hit it when enemies are low on HP.

With his mobility and range, Brody can stay back and deal damage while avoiding enemy crowd control abilities.


Early game (level 1-7): Try farm and avoid getting caught out by the enemy team during this phase. He can still be aggressive and look for opportunities to harass enemies.

Mid game (level 8-12): Brody becomes more powerful in the mid game. Do not initiate unnecessary fights, instead of that do a quick rotation in mid lane in order to do a successful gank with your mage.

Late game (level 13+): Brody will shine the most. Try to stay with your tank. In team fights, he should focus on staying alive and dealing damage to the highest priority targets.

Brody Skills

Passive – Abyss Corrosion

Brody’s attacks increase movement speed, mark enemies, and deal bonus damage.

Skill 1 – Abyss Impact

Brody launches a shockwave at enemies, damaging and slowing them.

Skill 2 – Corrosive Strike

Brody dashes towards the target, dealing physical damage and stunning them.

Skill 3 – Torn-Apart Memory

Brody locks onto enemies within range, dealing physical damage to them.

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I’am Zathong ! This my blog about game. I share general information about the game with you all over the world, for those who need it.
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