Mobile Legends

Best Faramis build 2025: Items, Emblems & Strategy [Mobile Legends]


Faramis is a Support/Mage has short cooldown, high mobility and crowd control. You can use Faramis for Roam. Faramis needs to apply a strategy of wandering and ganking suddenly with the ability to penetrate walls. Use ultimate to support teammates in combat and poke from afar with skill 2.

In this sharing article Zathong will help you use Faramis more powerfully by learn about Faramis’s spells, items, emblems & gameplay.

Role: Support/Mage – Gold: 32000$ | 599 Diamond

Specialty: Guard/Charge

Lane: Roam

Hero Tier: S

Movement SPD: 245Physical Attack: 118
Magic Power: 0Physical Defense: 20
Magical Defense: 10HP: 2543
Mana: 500Attack Speed: 0.784
Hp Regen: 6.8Mana Regen: 3.8

Faramis Spells Build

Spells are something that you can utilize in-game to give Faramis an extra skill.

Faramis Items Build

You need get the strongest items for Faramis. This is how to make your heroes stronger and easier to win.


Sustained DPS:

Team Buff:

Pro Build (Recommend):

Effects items build:

EffectsRecommend Items
 Magic PowerClock_of_DestinyLightning TruncheonHoly_CrystalBlood_WingsDivine GlaiveFleeting TimeEnchanted_TalismanGlowing_Wand
Movement SPDArcane_BootsMagic_ShoesGlowing Wand
Reduce Magic DefenseDivine Glaive
ManaClock_of_DestinyLightning Truncheon
CD ReductionLightning TruncheonFleeting TimeOracleEnchanted_Talisman
HPClock_of_DestinyBlood_WingsBrute_Force_BreastplateOracleEnchanted_TalismanAntique_CuirassAthena's ShieldGlowing WandFleeting Time
HP RegenImmortalityAntique_CuirassAthena's Shield
Physical DefenseBrute_Force_BreastplateImmortalityAntique_Cuirass
Magic DefenseOracle
Magic DefenseAthena's Shield

Faramis Emblems Build

Emblems are enhancements for Faramis that provide effects as well as bonus attributes.

Faramis Mage emblems set:

Faramis Mage emblems set

Faramis Support emblems set:

Faramis Support emblems set

How to play Faramis ?

Teammates outside Faramis’ Ultimate range will not be protected, so it’s essential to ensure that the Ultimate covers as many Teammates as possible.

Faramis’ Passive allows hom respawn more quickly, and can be ulitized to initiate teamfights in the late game, absorb the enemy’s skills, then quickly rejoin the teammates after a fast respawn.


Early to mid game (level 1-12: Faramis should use his 2nd to clear lanes and use his 1st skill to coordinate ganks with teammates.

Late game (level 13+): Faramis need to constantly monitor his teammates’ positioning and statuses. When the team is about to engage or is being engaged upon, be ready to activate Faramis’s Ultimate to turn the tide of the battle.

Faramis Skill Order

Skill Order: Skill 2 -> Skill 3 -> Skill 1.

Ghost Bursters
Ghost Bursters
Shadow Stampede
Shadow Stampede
Cult Altar
Cult Altar

Effects from skills’s Faramis:

Passive (Vicious Retrieval): Buff

Skill 1 (Shadow Stampede): Buff, CC.

Skill 2 (Ghost Bursters): AOE, Burst.

Skill 3 (Cult Altar): Death Immune, Buff.

Faramis Combo

These are the basic combos for Faramis, I hope you’ll do well with it.

Combo 1: Skill 1 -> Skill 2.

Shadow StampedeShadow Stampede -> Ghost BurstersGhost Bursters

Combo 2: Skill 2 -> Skill 1 to turret.

Ghost BurstersGhost Bursters -> Shadow StampedeShadow Stampede

Combo 3: Skill 3 (If your allies are close to dead) -> Skill 1 -> Skill 2.

Cult AltarCult Altar -> Shadow StampedeShadow Stampede -> Ghost BurstersGhost Bursters

Faramis Pros & Cons

+ Short Cooldown.
+ Useful Passive Skill.
+ Pretty Big Damage.
+ Faramis, with allies, are good together.
+ Faramis has high mobility and CC.
+ Faramis can easily bring enemies to his allies making for an easy kill.
– Standard Crowd Control.
– Hard to Control Skill.
– Faramis’ first skill can be avoided by moving far away from him.
– Faramis is prone to high damaging heroes whenever he is alone.

Faramis ’s Rival & Teammates

Faramis Is Strong Against: Kimmy, Guinevere, Kaja, Odette, Harley.

Faramis Is Weak Against: X.borg, Lylia, Gusion, Wanwan, Pharsa.

Faramis must team up with: Khaleed + Joy + Xavier + Melissa

Faramis Build Breakdown

Spells are suitable for Faramis:


Using spell Flicker for Faramis mid lane and Flameshot for Faramis roam.

Items are suitable for Faramis:

Magic Items:

Clock_of_DestinyLightning TruncheonHoly_CrystalBlood_WingsDivine_GlaiveEnchanted_TalismanFleeting TimeGlowing Wand

Defense Items:


Movement Items:


If you like Faramis burst you can use combo items: Clock of Destiny, Arcane Boots, Lightning Truncheon, Holy Crystal, Blood Wings, Divine Glaive

If you like Faramis Sustained DPS you can use combo items: Clock of Destiny, Arcane Boots, Lightning Truncheon, Fleeting Time, Brute Force Breastplate, Oracle.

If you like Faramis Team Buff you can use combo items: Enchanted Talisman, Magic Shoes, Fleeting Time, Immortality, Antique Cuirass, Athena Shield

If you like Faramis Pro Build you can use combo items: Magic Shoes, Clock of Destiny, Lightning Truncheon, Enchanted Talisman, Glowing Wand, Holy Crystal

Emblems are suitable for Faramis:

Mage emblems set:

  • Magic Power: +30.
  • Cooldown Reduction: +5%.
  • Magic Penetration: +8.

Support emblems set:

  • Healing Effect: +15%.
  • Cooldown Reduction: 10%.
  • Movement Speed: +6%.

Best lane for Faramis:


Exp Lane
Mid LaneX
Gold Lane

Win/Ban/Pick Rate for Faramis:

  • Win Rate: 59.96%.
  • Pick Rate: 1.25%.
  • Ban Rate: 83.72%.

Faramis best for rank:

Mythical Glory
Mythical Glory

Faramis Skills

Passive – Vicious Retrieval

Faramis’s passive will summon soul fragments and absorb them to restore HP and gain more magical power.

SKill 1 – Shadow Stampede

Using Shadow Stampede, Faramis can move across terrain, increasing movement speed, defense, and soul fragment absorption range.

Skill 2 – Ghost Bursters

Use Ghost Bursters to deal magic damage in a fan shape.

Skill 3 – Cult Altar

Using Cult Altar, Faramis has increased soul absorption range. Increases health and movement speed for him and his teammates. Also he is revived.

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I’am Zathong ! This my blog about game. I share general information about the game with you all over the world, for those who need it.
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