
Smite Tier List 2025


Hey, I’m Zathong and this guide is about Smite tier list 2025. A list of all Smite Gods listed in tiers who is the strongest god in Smite.

Smite Tier List

Tier list is a tool that allows players to see which gods are performing well in the current meta.

S+Yemoja, Arachne, Set, Agni, Bastet, King Arthur, Cthulhu, Kukulkan, Odin, Tsukuyomi, Surtr
YemojaarachnesetAgniBastetKing ArthurcthulhuKukulkanodinTsukuyomiSurtr
SAthena, Bakasura, Hera, Thor, Tyr, Cabrakan, Ullr, Ah puch, Ao kuang, Heimdallr, Eset, Jing Wei, Ratatoskr, Susano, Mulan, Apollo, Merlin, Raijin, Freya, Shiva, Charon, Maman Brigitte, Nut
athenaBakasuraHerathorTyrCabrakanUllrAh PuchAo KuangHeimdallrEsetJing WeiRatatoskrSusanoMulanApolloMerlinRaijinFreyashivaCharonMaman BrigitteNut
AHercules, Hou yi, Janus, Kumbhakarna, Kuzenbo, Ne Zha, Pele, Persephone, Rama, Ravana, Terra, Thoth, Vamana, Vulcan, Xbalanque, Zeus, Zhong Kui, Ares, Artio, Baron Samedi, Cerberus, Chang’e, Chiron, Cu Chulainn, Da Ji, Discordia, Erlang Shen, Fenrir, Ganesha, Geb, Maui, Martichoras, Ix Chel, Ishtar
herculesHou-YijanusKumbhakarnaKuzenboNe-ZhaPelePersephoneRamaRavanaTerraThothVamanaVulcanXbalanquezeusZhong KuiaresArtioBaron SamediCerberusChang'eChironCu ChulainnDa-JiDiscordiaErlang-ShenFenrirGaneshaGebmauiMartichorasIx Chelishtar
BThe Morrigan, Achilles, Anhur, Aphrodite, Bellona, Cernunnos, Chernobog, Chronos, Cupid, Hachiman, He Bo, Horus, Hun Batz, Izanami, Khepri, Medusa, Mercury, Neith, Nemesis, Olorun, Ra, Scylla, Serqet, Sobek, Sol, Sun Wukong, Sylvanus, Danzaburou, Lancelot, Atlas
The MorriganAchillesAnhurAphroditebellonaCernunnosChernobogChronosCupidhachimanHe boHorusHun-BatzIzanamiKhepriMedusamercuryNeithNemesisolorunRaScyllaSerqetSobeksolSun-WukongsylvanusDanzaburouLancelot Atlas
CBacchus, Camazotz, Chaac, Fafnir, Guan Yu, Hades, Jormungandr, Kali, Nox, Nu Wa, Skadi, Thanatos, Xing Tian, Ymir, Amaterasu, Artemis, Awilix, Charybdis
BacchusCamazotzchaacFafnirGuan YuHadesJormungandrKalinoxNu-WaSkadiThanatosXing TianymirAmaterasuartemisAwilixCharybdis
DAh Muzen Cab, Anubis, Hel, Loki, Nike
Ah Muzen CabanubisHelLokiNike
EOsiris, Poseidon

S+ Tier

These gods are currently extremely strong. They can and should be used for competitive play.




Guardian | Yoruba | Ranged | Magical

Yemoja is a guardian God has good crowd control, cause lane pressure, heals and strong support in team fight. So, I suggest you should use Yemoja support.

Pros: High Sustain

Difficulty: Average



Assassin | Greek | Melee | Physical

Arachne is a assassin God with high single target damage and high attack speed, good ganks and escape. So, she can go Jungle and Mid.

Pros: High Single Target Damage, Great Jungler

Difficulty: Average



Assassin | Egyptian | Melee | Physical

Set is a Assassin God has High burst damage, low cooldowns, good disengage and immunity to slow. So, I suggest you should use Set jungle, solo.

Pros: High Single Target Damage

Difficulty: Average



Mage | Hindu | Ranged | Magical

Agni is a mage God has mobility, incredible burst and damage potential. So, I suggest you should use Agni mage build.

Pros: High Area Damage

Difficulty: Hard



Assassine | Gyptian | Melee| Physical

Bastet is a assassin God has high basic attack damage, good burst and bleed damage. She has ability great ganking, fast cooldown reduction and alot of penetration. So, I suggest you should use Bastet Jungle.

Pros: High Single Target Damage

Difficulty: Easy

King Arthur

King Arthur

Warrior | Arthurian | Melee | Physical

King Arthur is a Warrior God has constant damage, good crowd control, great mobility and escapes. So, I suggest you should use King Arthur solo.

Pros: High Crowd Control, High Area Damage

Difficulty: Average



Guardian | Great old ones | Melee | Magical

Cthulhu is a guardian God has high damage, good disruption abilities, big health pool and, amazing teamfight. So, I suggest you should use Cthulhu support.

Pros: High Area Damage

Difficulty: Average



Mage | Maya | Ranged | Magical

Kukulkan is a mage God has high damage, good lane clear and great harass. So, I suggest you should use Kukulkan mid.

Pros: Pusher, High Area Damage

Difficulty: Easy



Warrior | Norse | Melee | Physical

Odin is a Warrior God with strong early with control and damage. He is good gank and strong teamfights control. So, I suggest you should use Odin solo.

Pros: High Crowd Control, High Area Damage

Difficulty: Easy



Assassin | Japanese | Melee | Physical

Tsukuyomi is a Assassin God has high single target damage, high utility and great chasing potential. So, I suggest you should use Tsukuyomi jungle, solo.

Pros: High Single Target Damage

Difficulty: Average



Warrior | Norse | Melee | Physical

Surtr is a Warrior God with high high damage, cc immune, crowd control and strong in team fight. He great at ganking and easy escape when is gank. So, He can go solo and jungle.

Pros: High Single Target Damage

Difficulty: Average

S Tier

These are also very good Gods to use. Often first-pick in their respective roles.




Guardian | Greek | Melee | Magical

Athena is a guardian God has high burst damage, crowd control, global presence and can support any hunter. So, I suggest you should use Athena solo, support.

Pros: High Crowd Control, High Defense

Difficulty: Easy



Assassin | Hindu | Melee | Physical

Bakasura is a assassin God with amazing damage, have good chase and escape mechanic. He can counter to tanky characters and fast jungle clear. So, I suggest you should use Bakasura Jungle and Solo.

Pros: High Single Target Damage

Difficulty: Easy



Mage | Greek | Ranged | Magical

Hera is a mage God has high damage balance, lots of AoE, has escape and shield from skill 2 (Polymorph). So, I suggest you should use Hera mid.

Pros: High Area Damage, High Crowd Control

Difficulty: Average



Assassin | Norse | Melee | Physical

Thor is a Assassin God has high damge, versatile, quick escape, and able to take on multiple Gods. So, I suggest you should use Thor solo, jungle.

Pros: High Single Target Damage, Medium Crowd Control

Difficulty: Hard



Warrior | Norse | Melee | Physical

Tyr is a Warrior God has high damage, mobility, good crowd control and can’t be stunned. So, I suggest you should use Tyr solo.

Pros: High Defense, Medium Crowd Control

Difficulty: Hard



Guardian | Maya | Melee | Magical

Cabrakan is a guardian God has crowd control, decent damage for tank and great protecting team. So, I suggest you should use Cabrakan support, jungle, solo.

Pros: High Crowd Control, High Defense

Difficulty: Average



Hunter | Norse | Ranged | Physical

Ullr is a Hunter God has high damage, high attack speed, high lifesteal and long range poke. So, He is ADC carry in game

Pros: High Sustain

Difficulty: Hard

Ah puch

Ah Puch

Mage | Maya | Ranged | Magical

Ah Puch is a mage God has burst damage, anti-heal, huge AoE slow and Good waveclear. So, I suggest you should use Ah Puch mage damage build.

Pros:  High Area Damage

Difficulty: Average

Ao kuang

Ao Kuang

Mage | Chinese | Melee | Magical

Ao Kuang is a mage God has high burst damage, good stealth, very maneuverable, good pick off potential and self heal. So, I suggest you should use Ao Kuang Jungle.

Pros: High Single Target Damage

Difficulty: Hard



Hunter | Norse | Ranged | Physical

Heimdallr is a Hunter God has ability good sustained damage, high Crowd control. He easy harassment and poking enemy with him skill. So, He is ADC carry in game.

Pros: High Single Target Damage

Difficulty: Hard



Warrior | Egyptian | Melee | Physical

Eset is a mage God has ability crowd control and battlefield, good decent escape and versatile. So, I suggest you should use Eset Mid.

Pros: High Crowd Control, High Area Damage

Difficulty: Average

Jing Wei

Jing Wei

Hunter | Chinese | Ranged | Physical

Jing Wei is a Hunter God has has a lot of mobility and strong in late game. Her’s ability can ruin some allied Gods crowd control combos. So, She is ADC carry in game.

Pros: High Mobility

Difficulty: Easy



Assassin | Norse | Melee | Physical

Ratatoskr is a Assassin God has high burst damage, hard crowd control, strong ultimate, excellent chase and escape potential. So, I suggest you should use Ratatoskr jungle, solo.

Pros: Great Jungler, High Mobility

Difficulty: Easy



Assassin | Japanese | Melee | Physical

Susano is a Assassin God has high mobility, crowd control, high AoE busrt and strong early game. So, I suggest you should use Susano jungle, solo.

Pros: High Crowd Control, High Mobility

Difficulty: Hard



Warrior | Chinese | Melee | Physical

Mulan is a Warrior God has high Damage and utility. She easily knocks out weak targets. So, I suggest you should use Mulan solo, jungle.

Pros: High Area Damage

Difficulty: Average



Hunter | Greek | Ranged | Physical

Apollo is a Hunter God with high attack speed, high damage, mobility, crowd control and global Ultimate. He great at ganking and easy escape when is gank. So, He can go Jungle or ADC.

Pros: High Mobility

Difficulty: Easy



Mage | Arthurian | Ranged | Magical

Merlin is a mage God has high area damage, crowd control, AOE damage and high single target. So, I suggest you should use Merlin Mid.

Pros: High Area Damage

Difficulty: Hard



Mage | Japanese | Ranged | Magical

Raijin is a mage God has burst damage, good wave clear and strong ultimate. So, I suggest you should use Raijin Mid.

Pros: Pusher, High Mobility

Difficulty: Average



Mage | Norse | Ranged | Magical

Freya is a mage God has high damage, pretty good farming ability, good crowd control and good escapability. So, I suggest you should use Freya Mid.

Pros: Medium Crowd Control, High Area Damage

Difficulty: Average



Warrior | Hindu | Melee | Physical

Shiva is a Warrior God has high damage, good heal, high area effect. He’s useful in teamfights. So, I suggest you should use Shiva solo.

Pros: High Crowd Control

Difficulty: Average



Guardian | Greek | Ranged | Magical

Charon is a guardian God has high damage & mobility. So, I suggest you should use Charon Support, jungle.

Pros: High Mobility

Difficulty: Average

Maman Brigitte

Maman Brigitte

Mage | Voodoo | Melee | Magical

Maman Brigitte is a mage God has high damage, good cc, high mobility, deal damage based on % health and CC immune. So, I suggest you should use Maman Brigitte for Jungle.

Pros: High Single Target Damage

Difficulty: Average



Hunter | Egyptian | Ranged | Physical

Nut is a Hunter with high attack speed, large area damage and explosive ultimate.

Pros: High Attack Speed and Damage

Difficulty: Average

A Tier

These gods will get you a win with good practice.




Warrior | Roman | Melee | Physical

Hercules is a Warrior God with really good defense, great sustain and high crowd control. So, I suggest you should use Hercules solo.

Pros: High Single Target Damage, High Sustain

Difficulty: Easy

Hou yi


Hunter | Chinese | Ranged | Physical

Hou Yi is a Hunter God with high basic attack damage, easy 1vs1. He have ability good area control/pressure and great poke potential. So, He is ADC carry in game.

Pros: High Single Target Damage, High Area Damage

Difficulty: Hard



Mage | Roman | Ranged | Magical

Janus is a mage God has high mobility, easily get out of fights, very good at farming and high outplay potential. So, I suggest you should use Janus mid.

Pros: High Mobility, High Area Damage

Difficulty: Average



Guardian | Hindu | Melee | Magical

Kumbhakarna is a guardian God has crowd control, good waveclear, tanky and good combat. So, I suggest you should use Kumbhakarna support.

Pros: High Crowd Control, High Defense

Difficulty: Easy



Guardian | Japanese | Melee | Magical

Kuzenbo is a guardian God has high base damage, low cooldowns and enemy to all ADC players. So, I suggest you should use Kuzenbo tank, support.

Pros: High Crowd Control, High Defense

Difficulty: Easy

Ne Zha


Assassin | Hindu | Melee | Physical

Ne Zha is a assassin God has high damage, good sustain, fast hitting and movement. So, I suggest you should use Ne Zha jungle, solo, support.

Pros: High Single Target Damage, Medium Crowd Control

Difficulty: Average



Assassin | Polynesian | Melee | Physical

Pele is a ranged assassin God has single target damage, burst damage, high mobility and good gank. So, I suggest you should use Pele Jungle.

Pros: High Single Target Damage

Difficulty: Average



Mage | Greek | Magical

Persephone is a mage God has good burst damage, excelent poking, healing, and controls teamfights. So, I suggest you should use Persephone Mid.

Mage | Greek | Magical



Hunter | Hindu | Ranged | Physical

Rama is a Hunter God has high attack Speed, lots of crowd control and easy escape. So, He is ADC carry in game.

Pros: High Mobility, High Attack Speed

Difficulty: Average



Assassin | Hindu | Melee | Physical

Ravana is a Assassin God has high single target damage, defeat tanks and crowd control. So, I suggest you should use Ravana jungle, solo.

Pros: High Single Target Damage, High Sustain

Difficulty: Average



Guardian | Roman | Melee | Magical

Terra is a guardian God has great crowd control, tanky, high sustain and great at countering. So, I suggest you should use Terra support.

Pros: High Sustain, High Area Damage

Difficulty: Hard



Mage | Egyptian | Ranged | Magical

Thoth is a mage God has high damage, long range and can easily shred down towers. So, I suggest you should use Thoth mid (high damage).

Pros: High Area Damage

Difficulty: Average



Warrior | Hindu | Melee | Physical

Vamana is a Warrior God has high damage, good survivability and excellent escape ability. So, I suggest you should use Vamana solo.

Pros: High Defense, High Sustain

Difficulty: Average



Mage | Roman | Ranged | Magical

Vulcan is a mage God has High AoE damage potential, perfect to hit and run, good pusher. So, I suggest you should use Vulcan solo/mid (max damage).

Pros: Pusher, High Area Damage

Difficulty: Average



Hunter | Maya | Ranged | Physical

Xbalanque is a Hunter God has high damage early game, global ultimate and great in team fights. So, He is ADC carry in game.

Pros: High Single Target Damage, Medium Area Damage

Difficulty: Average



Mage | Greek | Ranged | Magical

Zeus is a mage God has high damage, great nuke, high lifesteal and good amount of mana. So, I suggest you should use Zeus Mid.

Pros: High Area Damage

Difficulty: Average

Zhong Kui

Zhong Kui

Mage | Chinese | Ranged | Magical

Zhong Kui is a mage God has strong crowd control, super high sustain, lots of damage and defense. So, I suggest you should use Zhong Kui mid, solo.

Pros: Medium Crowd Control, High Area Damage

Difficulty: Easy



Guardian | Greek | Melee | Magical

Ares is a guardian God has good damage, high HP, Great at lane control and strong late game. So, I suggest you should use Ares support.

Pros: High Crowd Control, High Defense

Difficulty: Easy



Guardian | Celtic | Melee | Magical

Artio is a guardian God versatility has high damage, mobility, high sustain and very hard to kill. So, I suggest you should use Artio support.

Pros: High Crowd Control, High Sustain

Difficulty: Average

Baron Samedi

Baron Samedi

Mage | Voodoo | Ranged | Magical

Baron Samedi is a mage God with great early game damage, great sustain and fast waveclear. So, I suggest you should use Baron Samedi mid.

Pros: High Crowd Control, High Sustain, Medium Area Damage

Difficulty: Hard



Guardian | Greek | Melee | Magical

Cerberus is a guardian God has good tank, healing for him and reduce healing for enemy. So, I suggest you should use Cerberus tank, damage, support.

Pros: Medium Crowd Control, Medium Area Damage

Difficulty: Easy



Mage | Chinese | Ranged | Magical

Chang’e is a mage God has mobility, stun, reduce healing, and deals a lot of damage for enemies . So, I suggest you should use Chang’e Mid.

Pros: High Sustain, High Mobility

Difficulty: Average



Hunter | Greek | Ranged | Physical

Chiron is a Hunter God got a sniping ability, high damage and Easy to play. So, He is Adc carry in game.

Pros: High Sustain, High Movement Speed

Difficulty: Easy

Cu Chulainn

Cu Chulainn

Warrior | Celtic | Melee | Physical

Cu Chulainn is a Warrior God has high damage, good crowd control and greatly in team fight. So, I suggest you should use Cu Chulainn solo, jungle.

Pros: High Crowd Control, High Area Damage

Difficulty: Average

Da Ji


Assassin | Chinese | Melee | Physical

Da Ji is a assassin God with burst damage, Crowd control, immunity to slows, knockups and fast jungle clear. So, I suggest you should use Da Ji Jungle.

Pros: High Single Target Damage

Difficulty: Average



Mage | Roman | Ranged | Magical

Discordia is a mage God with good burst damage, strong control, hard to catch, amazing harassment and poking. So, I suggest you should use Discordia mid (max damage).

Pros: High Area Damage

Difficulty: Average

Erlang Shen


Warrior | Chinese | Melee | Physical

Erlang Shen is a Warrior God has good damage, high sustain, crazy attack speed, great mobility and escapes. So, I suggest you should use Erlang Shen solo, jungle.

Pros: High Single Target Damage, High Attack Speed

Difficulty: Average



Assassin | Norse | Melee | Physical

Fenrir is a Assassin God has high damage, good sustain. He has ability good at ganking and 1vs1 potential. So, I suggest you should use Fenrir jungle, support.

Pros: High Single Target Damage, High Mobility

Difficulty: Average



Guardian | Hindu | Melee | Magical

Ganesha is a guardian God has surprising high damage, , crowd control and very tanky. So, I suggest you should use Ganesha damage (solo), support.

Pros: High Crowd Control, High Defense

Difficulty: Average



Guardian | Egyptian | Melee | Magical

Ged is a guardian God has crowd control, great mobility and great peel. So, I suggest you should use Ged support.

Pros: High Crowd Control, High Defense

Difficulty: Average



Guardian | Polynesian | Melee | Magical

Maui is a God quick and reliable crowd control. He have ability burst damage và protect team good. So, I suggest you should use Maui solo.

Pros: High Crowd Control, High Mobility

Difficulty: Average



Hunter | Greek | Ranged | Physical

Martichoras is a Hunter God with high damage, CC immune and untargetable as he soars into the air with Death From Above. So, Martichoras can go duo lane.

Pros: Medium Single Target Damage, Medium Area Damage

Difficulty: Average

Ix Chel

Ix Chel

Mage | Maya | Ranged | Magical

Ix Chel is a mage God has high damage, heal allies for allies, increased movement speed and CC immune. So, I suggest you should use Ix Chel mid.

Pros: High Crowd Control, High Sustain, Medium Area Damage

Difficulty: Average



Hunter | Babylonian | Ranged | Physical

Ishtar is a Hunter God has ability clear soldiers fast, Good harassment and strong mid and late game . So, She is ADC carry in game.

Pros: Damage, High Attack Speed

Difficulty: Average

B Tier

These gods haven’t been favourable. If you’re a skilled Smite player, you might get some benefits in playing a few of these gods.


The Morrigan

The Morrigan

Mage | Celtic | Ranged | Magical

The Morrigan is a mage God has high burst damage, aiblity invisibility, good decent harassment and poking. So, I suggest you should use The Morrigan Mid.

Pros: High Area Damage

Difficulty: Very Hard



Warrior | Greek | Melee | Physical

Achilles is a Warrior God has high damage, versatile, high sustain and good tankiness. So, I suggest you should use Achilles solo, jungle, support.

Pros: High Single Target Damage, High Mobility

Difficulty: Average



Hunter | Egyptian | Ranged | Physical

Anhur is a Hunter God with high single target damage, powerful ranged and have skill crowd control. He great at ganking and easy escape when is gank. So, He can go Jungle or ADC.

Pros: High Single Target Damage

Difficulty: Average



Mage | Greek | Ranged | Magical

Aphrodite is a support mage God has crowd control, amazing healer, very nice sustain and skill mechanics are easy. So, I suggest you should use Aphrodite solo, mid, support.

Pros: High Sustain

Difficulty: Average



Warrior | Roman | Melee | Physical

Bellona is a Warrior God has high damage, escape easily, Good sustain and strong late game. He can fast jungle clear and good in ganking. So, I suggest you should use Bellona solo, jungle.

Pros: High Defense

Difficulty: Average



Hunter | Celtic | Ranged | Physical

Cernunnos is a Hunter God with insane damage late game and Great ultimate. So, He is Adc carry in game.

Pros: High Crowd Control, High Area Damage

Difficulty: Average



Hunter | Slavic | Ranged | Physical

Chernobog is a Hunter God with burst damage, good wave clear and strong late game. So, He is Adc carry in game.

Pros: High Single Target Damage, High Attack Speed

Difficulty: Hard



Mage | Greek | Ranged | Magical

Chronos is a mage God has high burst, high mobility, good sustain and relatively safe. So, I suggest you should use Chronos mid, solo.

Pros: Medium Crowd Control, High Mobility

Difficulty: Hard



Hunter | Roman | Ranged | Physical

Cupid is a Hunter God has a very large cripple, stuns and self and team healing. So, She is ADC carry in game.

Pros: High Single Target Damage, High Sustain

Difficulty: Easy



Hunter | Japanese | Ranged | Physical

Hachiman is a Hunter God has team attack speed buff and mana regeneration buff. He great at boxing for early & late game. So, He is ADC carry in game.

Pros: High Single Target Damage, High Mobility

Difficulty: Easy

He Bo

He bo

Warrior | Chinese | Melee | Physical

He Bo is a mage God has high damage, poke, good escape and decent movement speed. So, I suggest you should use He Bo mid.

Pros: Medium Crowd Control, High Area Damage

Difficulty: Easy



Warrior | Egyptian | Melee | Physical

Horus is a Warrior God has good damage, high mobility and defense. He is a poke and excellent team work. So, I suggest you should use Horus solo, jungle, support.

Pros: High Defense, High Sustain

Difficulty: Average

Hun Batz


Assassin | Maya | Melee | Physical

Hun Batz is a assassin God has burst damage, excellent mobility, crowd control, great ganker and clear a lane very well. So, I suggest you should use Hun Batz Jungle.

Pros: High Single Target Damage

Difficulty: Easy



Hunter | Japanese | Ranged | Physical

Izanami is a Hunter God with high damage output, good crowd control (slow and silence) and effective in Teamfights. So, She is ADC carry in game.

Pros: Pusher, High Area Damage

Difficulty: Average



Guardian | Egyptian | Melee | Magica

Khepri is a guardian God has high high crowd control, cleansing all crowd control, high defence and revive teammates. So, I suggest you should use Khepri support.

Pros: High Crowd Control, High Defense

Difficulty: Average



Hunter | Greek | Ranged | Physical

Medusa is a Hunter God has high mobility and effective teamfight potential. She is strong mid and late game when get full items. So, She is ADC carry in game.

Pros: High Single Target Damage

Difficulty: Easy



Assassin | Roman | Melee | Physical

Mercury is a assassin God has on-hit effects and crits, very mobile, hard to catch and good ganking ability. So, I suggest you should use Mercury Jungle.

Pros: High Single Target Damage, High Mobility

Difficulty: Average



Hunter | Egyptian | Ranged | Physical

Neith is a Hunter God has high damage, lots of crowd control. She has versatile Kit and easy escape when surrounded. So, She is ADC carry in game.

Pros: High Crowd Control, High Sustain

Difficulty: Easy



Assassin | Greek | Melee | Physical

Nemesis is a ranged assassin God has high damage, heals, can shred tanks and good gank. So, I suggest you should use Nemesis Jungle.

Pros: High Mobility

Difficulty: Average



Warrior | Yoruba | Melee | Physical

Olorun is a mage God has crit mage, good waveclear, versatile kit, good poke and strong late game. So, I suggest you should use Olorun mid, jungle.

Pros: High Attack Speed

Difficulty: Average



Mage | Egyptian | Ranged | Magical

Ra is a mage God has high magical damage, quick cooldowns, high healing and strong team fights. So, I suggest you should use Ra Mid.

Pros: High Sustain, Pusher

Difficulty: Average



Mage | Greek | Ranged | Magical

Scylla is a mage God has high burst damage, good crowd control and excellent escape. So, I suggest you should use Scylla Mid.

Pros: High Area Damage

Difficulty: Easy



Assassin | Polynesian | Melee | Physical

Serqet is a Assassin God has high damage, high mobility and escaping abilities. So, I suggest you should use Serqet jungle, solo.

Pros: High Single Target Damage, High Mobility

Difficulty: Average



Guardian | Egyptian | Melee | Magical

Sobek is a guardian God has immune to Crowd Control, healing debuff, provides decent sustain and good at inititating fight. So, I suggest you should use Sobek solo, support.

Pros: High Crowd Control, High Defense

Difficulty: Easy



Mage | Norse | Ranged | Magical

Sol is a mage God has high mobility, immune escape ability and good range. So, I suggest you should use Sol Adc, mid.

Pros: High Single Target Damage, High Mobility

Difficulty: Hard

Sun Wukong


Warrior | Chinese | Melee | Physical

Sun Wukong is a Warrior God with high damage, high crowd control, high defense, good poke, great mobility and escapes. So, I suggest you should use Sun Wukong solo.

Pros: High Defense, High Mobility

Difficulty: Average



Guardian | Roman | Melee | Magical

Sylvanus is a guardian God has good crowd control, high damage and healing for nearby allies . So, I suggest you should use Sylvanus support.

Pros: High Crowd Control, High Sustain

Difficulty: Average



Hunter | Japanese | Ranged | Physical

Danzaburou is a Hunter God with good mobility, burst damage and high crowd control. So, He is ADC carry in game.

Pros: High Area Damage

Difficulty: Average



Assassin | Arthurian | Melee | Physical

Lancelot is a Assassin God has high mobility, high damage and shield while riding you horse. So, I suggest you should use Lancelot jungle.

Pros: High Mobility

Difficulty: Hard



Guardian | Greek | Melee | Magical

Atlas is a guardian God has great crowd control and he is very useful uses in defensive or offensivesituations. So, I suggest you should use Atlas support.

Pros: High Crowd Control, High Defense

Difficulty: Easy

C Tier

We would advise picking from a higher tier for better initial chances, unless it is specific to your team composition.




Guardian | Roman | Melee | Magical

Bacchus is a guardian God has crowd control, very tanky, gaining buffs and high mobility. So, I suggest you should use Bacchus support.

Pros: High Crowd Control, High Defense

Difficulty: Average



Assassin | Maya | Melee | Physical

Camazotz is a assassin God with high base damage, good sustain and strong jungle clears. So, I suggest you should use Camazotz Jungle or Solo.

Pros: High Sustain, Great Jungler

Difficulty: Average



Warrior | Maya | Melee | Physical

Chaac is a Warrior God has high area damage, crowd control and versatility. He is great health and mana management in game. So, I suggest you should use Chaac solo (damage/tank).

Pros: High Sustain

Difficulty: Average



Guardian | Norse | Melee | Magical

Fafnir is a guardian God has AOE extremely potent, crowd control and strong buff to clear lane. So, I suggest you should use Fafnir tank.

Pros: High Defense, High Mobility

Difficulty: Average

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Warrior | Chinese | Melee | Physical

Guan Yu is a Warrior God has ability heal, good crowd control, good balance between defense and attack. So, I suggest you should use Guan Yu solo.

Pros: High Sustain, High Mobility

Difficulty: Average



Mage | Greek | Ranged | Magical

Hades is a mage God has high burst damage, good mobility, sustain and great for team fights. So, I suggest you should use Hades solo, mid.

Pros: High Defense, High Sustain

Difficulty: Easy



Guardian | Norse | Ranged | Magical

Jormungandr is a guardian God has crowd control, abilities deal high damage and Immune. So, I suggest you should use Jormungandr solo, tank.

Pros: High Area Damage

Difficulty: Average



Assassin | Hindu | Melee | Physical

Kali is a assassin God has high damage and good gank. So, I suggest you should use Kali Jungle.

Pros: High Single Target Damage, High Sustain

Difficulty: Average



Mage | Roman | Ranged | Magical

Nox is a mage God has high damage and, good poke potential and strong solo. So, I suggest you should use Nox mid.

Pros: High Crowd Control

Difficulty: Average

Nu Wa


Mage | Chinese | Ranged | Magical

Nu Wa is a mage God has strong basic attacks with splash damage, global ultimate, good crowd control and stealth. So, I suggest you should use Nu Wa Mid.

Pros: Pusher

Difficulty: Easy



Hunter | Norse | Ranged | Physical

Skadi is a Hunter God with strong ultimate, high damage, lots of crowd control and great poke and pressure. So, She is ADC carry in game.

Pros: High Crowd Control, Pusher

Difficulty: Hard



Assassin | Greek | Melee | Physical

Thanatos is a Assassin God has high damage, high sustain, good gank and great chaser. So, I suggest you should use Thanatos jungle.

Pros: High Sustain

Difficulty: Average

Xing Tian

Xing Tian

Guardian | Chinese | Melee | Magical

Xing Tian is a guardian God has good crowd control, high mobility, high damage and tankiness in teamfight. So, I suggest you should use Xing Tian support, tank.

Pros: High Crowd Control

Difficulty: Average



Guardian | Norse | Nelee | Magical

Ymir is a guardian God has high health, good survivability, high sustain and strong late game when full items. So, I suggest you should use Ymir damage (solo), support.

Pros: High Crowd Control, High Defense

Difficulty: Easy



Warrior | Japanese | Melee | Physical

Amaterasu is a Warrior God with burst damage, great mobility and escapes, high sustain and good supportive capabilities. So, I suggest you should use Amaterasu solo, jungle, support.

Pros: High Mobility, High Area Damage

Difficulty: Average



Hunter | Greek | Ranged | Physical

Artemis is a Hunter God with high attack speed, high damage, mobility and strong late game. So, She is carry in game.

Pros: High Single Target Damage

Difficulty: Average



Assassin | Maya | Melee | Physical

Awilix is a assassin God with high DPS and Mobility. Her skill help fast jungle clear when activated ultimate can shred objectives. So, I suggest you should use Awilix Jungle.

Pros: High Single Target Damage, High Mobility

Difficulty: Hard



Hunter | Greek | Ranged | Physical

Charybdis is a Hunter God have ability hitting multiple enemies at once and immune to damage when using Whirlpool Form. So, She is ADC carry in game.

Pros: High Attack Speed

Difficulty: Average

D Tier

These gods are not so capable in laning or teamfights.


Ah Muzen Cab

Ah Muzen Cab

Hunter | Maya | Ranged | Physical

Ah Muzen Cab is a Hunter God with high single target damage and high attack speed. So, He can go solo lane and carry game.

Pros: High Movement Speed, High Attack Speed

Difficulty: Average



Mage | Egyptian | Ranged | Magical

Anubis is a mage God strong early game with survivability through lifesteal. He has good against tanks with destructive ultimate and fast cooldown. So, I suggest you should use Anubis mage (damage/tank) build.

Pros: High Area Damage

Difficulty: Easy



Mage | Norse | Ranged | Magical

Hel is a mage God has high mobility, heal and ability to remove and prevent crowd control. So, I suggest you should use Hel Mid.

Pros: High Sustain, High Area Damage

Difficulty: Hard



Assassin | Norse | Melee | Physical

Loki is a assassin God has burst damage, high mobility, invisible and he could be able to one-shot some gods weak blood. So, I suggest you should use Loki Jungle.

Pros: High Single Target Damage

Difficulty: Easy



Warrior | Greek | Melee | Physical

Nike is a Warrior God has strong in teamfight, good mobility and crowd control. So, I suggest you should use Nike solo, jungle, support.

Pros: High Defense, Medium Crowd Control

Difficulty: Easy

E Tier

I don’t recommend picking these characters, at all.




Warrior | Egyptian | Melee | Physical

Osiris is a Warrior God has high basic attack damage, high defense, crowd control and damage mitigation caused from the enemy. So, I suggest you should use Osiris solo.

Pros: High Defense, High Attack Speed

Difficulty: Hard



Mage | Greek | Ranged | Magical

Poseidon is a mage God has high magical damage, fast cooldown rate, high mobility and good push lanes. So, I suggest you should use Poseidon Mid.

Pros: High Area Damage

Difficulty: Easy


Yemoja, Arachne, Set, Agni, Bastet, King Arthur, Cthulhu, Kukulkan, Odin, Tsukuyomi, Surtr are best gods for meta current. But Smite is game requires communication and time investment to excel in it. You need talk with your team to make sure you have the same game plan and pick the god that fits.

I checked the patch notes to get some clues over what might happen in smite. You should keep in mind that everyone’s gaming experience will vary, a skillful player might find that they have a slight advantage if they pick a lower-tier god to play with.

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I’am Zathong ! This my blog about game. I share general information about the game with you all over the world, for those who need it.
An individual who loves playing games, especially Auto Chess games (Teamfight Tactics, Auto Chess Mobile, Magic Chess). Top Moba Game build guide (TFT, Smite, Arena of Valor, Dota 2, Vainglory, Onmyoji Arena, Heroes of the Storm, Brawl Stars, Heroes Evolved, Battlerite, Marvel Super War, Wild Rift). Top Game Pokémon. And top multiplayer strategy game as: (Fortnite, Rise of Kingdoms build, Adventure Build, Clash Royale Deck Build, Brawlhalla build, Clash Mini Build, Castle Clash, Naraka: Bladepoint, Tower of Fantasy, Epic Seven, Nikke). That’s why I created this Game Blog to share information about the game and also fulfilled my wish to have a Game Blog of my own. [ Support Information: Privacy Policy | Contact Me ]