Hey, I’m Zathong and this guide is about Tassadar Build in Heroes of the Storm 2025.
Best Tassadar build guides for Heroes of the Storm 2025. I works hard to keep my’s Heroes of the Storm builds and guides updated, and will help you craft the best Tassadar build for the meta. Learn more about Tassadar’s abilities, Talents, Tips and Tricks and Counters.
Tassadar’s Talent Build
- LEVEL 10
- LEVEL 13
- LEVEL 16
- LEVEL 20
Tassadar’s Abilities
Resonance Beam
Tassadar’s basic attack is a 15%-slowing channeled beam. Your Basic Attack damage and Mana Regeneration both increase by 25% per second while channeling, up to a maximum of 100%. Gain an additional 3 Mana every second when at full charge.
After six seconds without channeling, this benefit is forfeited.
Shock Ray
Send forth a psionic energy beam that slows foes in a line by 30% for two seconds while causing 280 damage to them.
Psionic Storm
For three seconds, conjure a psionic storm at the chosen place. Enemies who are in a storm suffer 38 damage every 0.5 seconds, with the damage rising by 20% for each subsequent instance up to 100%.
Force Wall
Create a wall after 0.5 seconds that prevents any units from passing through it for 2 seconds.
Tassadar changes into an Archon, gaining Resonance Beam’s power and a shield worth 25% of his maximum health. is 12 seconds long.
Resonance Beam: Inflicts 70 damage on nearby opponents while dealing 140 damage to the target. For two seconds after being hit, heroes have their spell armor decreased by 20. When the Archon is operational, the Resonance Beam is completely charged.
Black Hole
Launch a Black Hole that travels in a long line after a 0.5 second cast. The Black Hole’s center is soon drawn in by enemy heroes that are in its vicinity. Touching the center causes 310 damage and 1.25 seconds of stun.
Tassadar’s Pros and Cons
Tassadar’s Counters
Tassadar can be strong against:
Tassadar can be weak against:
Tassadar’s Gameplay
Area control and channeled abilities are the foundation of Tassadar’s Ranged Assassin hero class. Resonance Beam, one of his traits, transforms his Basic Attack into a channeled beam that slows the victim. Tassadar increases mana regeneration and Basic Attack damage when channeling. His initial move, Shock Ray, blasts an energy beam across the ground that does a line of severe damage. Psionic Storm, his second ability, is an Area of Effect assault that causes increased damage each time it connects with an adversary. Force Wall, his final basic ability, fortifies the target area with an impenetrable wall.
He can become an Archon during his first Heroic, giving him a sizable shield and a strong energy blast in place of his standard strike. In his second heroic, “Black Hole,” he unleashes a black hole that moves straight ahead. opponents in the center suffer damage and are stunned, while opponents nearby are drawn towards the black hole.
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