TFT Counter Pick Set 11: Comps, Champions, Items

Hey, I’m Zathong and this guide is about champions (comps, Items) counter picks in TFT. These picks are strong against champions (comps, Items) at many stages of the game.



I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Ahri in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With
annie-tft-set-10qiyana-tft-set-10ziggs-tft-set-10yone-tft-set-10Akali K/DAlux-tft-set-10evelynn-tft-set-10neeko-tft-set-10seraphine-tft-set-10

Ahri is weak against: Annie, Qiyana, Ziggs. These champions are strong against Ahri at most phases of the game.

Ahri is strong against: Yone, Akali K/DA, Lux. These champions are weak against Ahri at most phases of the game.

Ahri is good with: Evelynn, Neeko, Seraphine. These champions are good connect Ahri in the game.

Akali K/DA & True Damage

I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Akali in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With

Akali is weak against: Pantheon, Ahri, Jax. These champions are strong against Akali at most phases of the game.

Akali is strong against: Ezreal, Jhin, Jinx. These champions are weak against Akali at most phases of the game.

Akali is good with: Neeko, Karthus, Vex. These champions are good connect Akali in the game.


I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Amumu in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With

Amumu is weak against: Evelynn, Lillia, Karthus. These champions are strong against Amumu at most phases of the game.

Amumu is strong against: Gragas, Poppy, Jax. These champions are weak against Amumu at most phases of the game.

Amumu is good with: Annie, Vex, Neeko . These champions are good connect Amumu in the game.


I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Annie in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With

Annie is weak against: Neeko, Lux, Qiyana. These champions are strong against Annie at most phases of the game.

Annie is strong against: Yone, Ahri, Yasuo. These champions are weak against Annie at most phases of the game.

Annie is good with: Poppy, Ekko, Gragas. These champions are good connect Annie in the game.


I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Aphelios in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With

Aphelios is weak against: Tahm Kench, Twitch, Miss Fortune. These champions are strong against Aphelios at most phases of the game.

Aphelios is strong against: Lucian, Caitlyn, Jinx. These champions are weak against Aphelios at most phases of the game.

Aphelios is good with: Senna, Ezreal, Kayn. These champions are good connect Aphelios in the game.


I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Bard in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With

Bard is weak against: Taric, Senna, Nami. These champions are strong against Bard at most phases of the game.

Bard is strong against: Pantheon, Seraphine, Lux. These champions are weak against Bard at most phases of the game.

Bard is good with: Miss Fortune, Twisted Fate, Ziggs. These champions are good connect Bard in the game.


I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Blitzcrank in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With
taric-tft-set-10bard-tft-set-10neeko-tft-set-10pantheon-tft-set-10seraphine-tft-set-10lux-tft-set-10nami-tft-set-10taric-tft-set-10K’Sante TFT

Blitzcrank is weak against: Taric, Bard, Neeko. These champions are strong against Blitzcrank at most phases of the game.

Blitzcrank is strong against: Pantheon, Seraphine, Lux. These champions are weak against Blitzcrank at most phases of the game.

Blitzcrank is good with: Nami, Taric, K’Sante. These champions are good connect Blitzcrank in the game.


I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Caitlyn in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With

Caitlyn is weak against: Seraphine, Ziggs, Twitch. These champions are strong against Caitlyn at most phases of the game.

Caitlyn is strong against: Aphelios, Lucian, Samira. These champions are weak against Caitlyn at most phases of the game.

Caitlyn is good with: Corki, Garen, Riven. These champions are good connect Caitlyn in the game.


I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Corki in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With

Corki is weak against: Pantheon, Vex, Ekko. These champions are strong against Corki at most phases of the game.

Corki is strong against: Yone, Katarina, Annie. These champions are weak against Corki at most phases of the game.

Corki is good with: Ezreal, Jhin, Kaisa. These champions are good connect Corki in the game.


I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Ekko in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With

Ekko is weak against: Evelynn, Kayn, Gragas. These champions are strong against Ekko at most phases of the game.

Ekko is strong against: Poppy, Amumu, Viego. These champions are weak against Ekko at most phases of the game.

Ekko is good with: Kennen, Qiyana, Yasuo. These champions are good connect Ekko in the game.


I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Evelynn in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With

Evelynn is weak against: Zac, Vi, Kayn. These champions are strong against Evelynn at most phases of the game.

Evelynn is strong against: Karthus, Amumu, Poppy. These champions are weak against Evelynn at most phases of the game.

Evelynn is good with: Ahri, Lillia, Neeko. These champions are good connect Evelynn in the game.


I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Ezreal in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With
tahmkench-tft-set-10seraphine-tft-set-10twitch-tft-set-10caitlyn-tft-set-10lucian-tft-set-10Jinx-tft-set-10kayn-tft-set-10K’Sante TFTyone-tft-set-10

Ezreal is weak against: Tahm Kench, Seraphine, Twitch. These champions are strong against Ezreal at most phases of the game.

Ezreal is strong against: Caitlyn, Lucian, Jinx. These champions are weak against Ezreal at most phases of the game.

Ezreal is good with: Kayn, K’Sante, Yone. These champions are good connect Ezreal in the game.


I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Garen in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With

Garen is weak against: Kayle, Urgot, Tahm Kench. These champions are strong against Garen at most phases of the game.

Garen is strong against: Gragas, Yasuo, Jax. These champions are weak against Garen at most phases of the game.

Garen is good with: Caitlyn, Corki, Riven. These champions are good connect Garen in the game.


I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Gnar in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With

Gnar is weak against: Olaf, Poppy, Urgot. These champions are strong against Gnar at most phases of the game.

Gnar is strong against: Kennen, Tahm Kench, Yone. These champions are weak against Gnar at most phases of the game.

Gnar is good with: Karthus, Kayle, Mordekaiser. These champions are good connect Gnar in the game.


I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Gragas in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With

Gragas is weak against: Amumu, Poppy, Vi. These champions are strong against Gragas at most phases of the game.

Gragas is strong against: Jax, Ekko, Lillia. These champions are weak against Gragas at most phases of the game.

Gragas is good with: Blitzcrank, Nami, Twisted Fate. These champions are good connect Gragas in the game.


I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Illaoi in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With

Illaoi is weak against: Poppy, Kayle, Yone. These champions are strong against Illaoi at most phases of the game.

Illaoi is strong against: Yasuo, Kennen, Urgot. These champions are weak against Illaoi at most phases of the game.

Illaoi is good with: Illaoi, Olaf, Sett. These champions are good connect Illaoi in the game.


I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Jax in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With
poppy-tft-set-10Illaoi-tft-set-10K’Sante TFTyasuo-tft-set-10gragas-tft-set-10sett-tft-set-10lux-tft-set-10zac-tft-set-10zed-tft-set-10

Jax is weak against: Poppy, Illaoi, K’Sante. These champions are strong against Jax at most phases of the game.

Jax is strong against: Yasuo, Gragas, Sett. These champions are weak against Jax at most phases of the game.

Jax is good with: Lux, Zac, Zed. These champions are good connect Jax in the game.


I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Jhin in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With

Jhin is weak against: Seraphine, Twitch, Yasuo. These champions are strong against Jhin at most phases of the game.

Jhin is strong against: Caitlyn, Lucian, Ezreal. These champions are weak against Jhin at most phases of the game.

Jhin is good with: Corki, Kaisa, Miss Fortune. These champions are good connect Jhin in the game.


I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Jinx in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With

Jinx is weak against: Twitch, Tahm Kench, Ziggs. These champions are strong against Jinx at most phases of the game.

Jinx is strong against: Samira, Kai’Sa, Caitlyn. These champions are weak against Jinx at most phases of the game.

Jinx is good with: Aphelios, Lucian, Senna. These champions are good connect Jinx in the game.


I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with KSante in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With

KSante is weak against: Urgot, Olaf, Kayle. These champions are strong against KSante at most phases of the game.

KSante is strong against: Pantheon, Yasuo, Yone. These champions are weak against KSante at most phases of the game.

KSante is good with: Aphelios, Kayn, Sett. These champions are good connect KSante in the game.


I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Kaisa in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With

Kaisa is weak against: Tahm Kench, Seraphine, Twitch. These champions are strong against Kaisa at most phases of the game.

Kaisa is strong against: Jhin, Caitlyn, Lucian. These champions are weak against Kaisa at most phases of the game.

Kaisa is good with: Ahri, Evelynn, Neeko. These champions are good connect Kaisa in the game.


I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Karthus in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With

Karthus is weak against: Evelynn, Ekko, Lillia. These champions are strong against Karthus at most phases of the game.

Karthus is strong against: Gragas, Amumu, Poppy. These champions are weak against Karthus at most phases of the game.

Karthus is good with: Gnar, Karthus, Viego. These champions are good connect Karthus in the game.


I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Katarina in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With

Katarina is weak against: Annie, Pantheon, Vex. These champions are strong against Katarina at most phases of the game.

Katarina is strong against: Zed, Yone, Ekko. These champions are weak against Katarina at most phases of the game.

Katarina is good with: Samira, Tahm Kench, Thresh. These champions are good connect Katarina in the game.


I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Kayle in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With

Kayle is weak against: Poppy, Tahm Kench, Urgot. These champions are strong against Kayle at most phases of the game.

Kayle is strong against: Illaoi, Kennen, Yasuo. These champions are weak against Kayle at most phases of the game.

Kayle is good with: Riven, Viego, Yorick. These champions are good connect Kayle in the game.


I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Kayn in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With
Jax-tft-set-10evelynn-tft-set-10lillia-tft-set-10amumu-tft-set-10gragas-tft-set-10ekko-tft-set-10aphelios-tft-set-10ezreal-tft-set-10K’Sante TFT

Kayn is weak against: Jax, Evelynn, Lillia. These champions are strong against Kayn at most phases of the game.

Kayn is strong against: Amumu, Gragas, Ekko. These champions are weak against Kayn at most phases of the game.

Kayn is good with: Aphelios, Ezreal, K’Sante. These champions are good connect Kayn in the game.


I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Kennen in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With
gragas-tft-set-10urgot-tft-set-10olaf-tft-set-10pantheon-tft-set-10yone-tft-set-10K’Sante TFTekko-tft-set-10qiyana-tft-set-10yasuo-tft-set-10

Kennen is weak against: Gragas, Urgot, Olaf. These champions are strong against Kennen at most phases of the game.

Kennen is strong against: Pantheon, Yone, K’Sante. These champions are weak against Kennen at most phases of the game.

Kennen is good with: Ekko, Qiyana, Yasuo. These champions are good connect Kennen in the game.


I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Lillia in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With

Lillia is weak against: Evelynn, Kayn, Vi. These champions are strong against Lillia at most phases of the game.

Lillia is strong against: Zac, Jax, Poppy. These champions are weak against Lillia at most phases of the game.

Lillia is good with: Neeko, Blitzcrank, Mordekaiser. These champions are good connect Lillia in the game.


I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Lucian in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With

Lucian is weak against: Twitch, Caitlyn, Jhin. These champions are strong against Lucian at most phases of the game.

Lucian is strong against: Samira, Tahm Kench, Jinx. These champions are weak against Lucian at most phases of the game.

Lucian is good with: Aphelios, Senna, Miss Fortune. These champions are good connect Lucian in the game.


I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Lulu in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With

Lulu is weak against: Blitzcrank, Tahm Kench, Taric. These champions are strong against Lulu at most phases of the game.

Lulu is strong against: Pantheon, Seraphine, Lux. These champions are weak against Lulu at most phases of the game.

Lulu is good with: Ahri, Annie, Gragas. These champions are good connect Lulu in the game.


I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Lux in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With

Lux is weak against: Bard, Blitzcrank, Taric. These champions are strong against Lux at most phases of the game.

Lux is strong against: Seraphine, Lulu, Thresh. These champions are weak against Lux at most phases of the game.

Lux is good with: Zac, Nami, Ziggs. These champions are good connect Lux in the game.

Miss Fortune

I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Miss Fortune in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With

Miss Fortune is weak against: Seraphine, Twitch, Ziggs. These champions are strong against Miss Fortune at most phases of the game.

Miss Fortune is strong against: Samira, Jinx, Caitlyn. These champions are weak against Miss Fortune at most phases of the game.

Miss Fortune is good with: Corki, Ezreal, Jhin. These champions are good connect Miss Fortune in the game.


I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Mordekaiser in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With

Mordekaiser is weak against: Poppy, Olaf, Kayle. These champions are strong against Mordekaiser at most phases of the game.

Mordekaiser is strong against: Gragas, Illaoi, Gnar. These champions are weak against Mordekaiser at most phases of the game.

Mordekaiser is good with: Karthus, Viego, Yorick. These champions are good connect Mordekaiser in the game.


I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Nami in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With

Nami is weak against: Thresh, Neeko, Bard. These champions are strong against Nami at most phases of the game.

Nami is strong against: Tahm Kench, Taric, Seraphine. These champions are weak against Nami at most phases of the game.

Nami is good with: Blitzcrank, Gragas, Ziggs. These champions are good connect Nami in the game.


I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Neeko in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With

Neeko is weak against: Ekko, Yasuo, Ziggs. These champions are strong against Neeko at most phases of the game.

Neeko is strong against: Annie, Pantheon, Lux. These champions are weak against Neeko at most phases of the game.

Neeko is good with: Ahri, Evelynn, Lillia. These champions are good connect Neeko in the game.


I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Olaf in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With

Olaf is weak against: Illaoi, Pantheon, Sett. These champions are strong against Olaf at most phases of the game.

Olaf is strong against: Yasuo, Gragas, Gnar. These champions are weak against Olaf at most phases of the game.

Olaf is good with: Karthus, Kayle, Mordekaiser. These champions are good connect Olaf in the game.


I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Pantheon in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With
kennen-tft-set-10urgot-tft-set-10K’Sante TFTyasuo-tft-set-10gragas-tft-set-10sett-tft-set-10amumu-tft-set-10kennen-tft-set-10neeko-tft-set-10

Pantheon is weak against: Kennen, Urgot, K’Sante. These champions are strong against Pantheon at most phases of the game.

Pantheon is strong against: Yasuo, Gragas, Sett. These champions are weak against Pantheon at most phases of the game.

Pantheon is good with: Amumu, Kennen, Neeko. These champions are good connect Pantheon in the game.


I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Poppy in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With

Poppy is weak against: Lillia, Evelynn, Amumu. These champions are strong against Poppy at most phases of the game.

Poppy is strong against: Gragas, Vi, Kayn. These champions are weak against Poppy at most phases of the game.

Poppy is good with: Jax, Yorick, Annie. These champions are good connect Poppy in the game.


I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Qiyana in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With
K’Sante TFTvex-tft-set-10twistedfate-tft-set-10zed-tft-set-10ahri-tft-set-10pantheon-tft-set-10kennen-tft-set-10yasuo-tft-set-10yone-tft-set-10

Qiyana is weak against: K’Sante, Vex, Twisted Fate. These champions are strong against Qiyana at most phases of the game.

Qiyana is strong against: Zed, Ahri, Pantheon. These champions are weak against Qiyana at most phases of the game.

Qiyana is good with: Kennen, Yasuo, Yone. These champions are good connect Qiyana in the game.


I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Riven in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With

Riven is weak against: Urgot, Poppy, Kayle. These champions are strong against Riven at most phases of the game.

Riven is strong against: Yasuo, Yone, Jax. These champions are weak against Riven at most phases of the game.

Riven is good with: Corki, Garen, Viego. These champions are good connect Riven in the game.


I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Samira in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With

Samira is weak against: Twitch, Jinx, Ziggs. These champions are strong against Samira at most phases of the game.

Samira is strong against: Yasuo, Lucian, Caitlyn. These champions are weak against Samira at most phases of the game.

Samira is good with: Thresh, Urgot, Karthus. These champions are good connect Samira in the game.


I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Senna in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With

Senna is weak against: Neeko, Taric, Lux. These champions are strong against Senna at most phases of the game.

Senna is strong against: Tahm Kench, Lulu, Bard. These champions are weak against Senna at most phases of the game.

Senna is good with: Kennen, Qiyana, Caitlyn. These champions are good connect Senna in the game.


I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Seraphine in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With

Seraphine is weak against: Taric, Lux, Nami. These champions are strong against Seraphine at most phases of the game.

Seraphine is strong against: Pantheon, Thresh, Neeko. These champions are weak against Seraphine at most phases of the game.

Seraphine is good with: Ahri, Evelynn, Lillia. These champions are good connect Seraphine in the game.


I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Sett in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With
pantheon-tft-set-10Jax-tft-set-10gragas-tft-set-10yasuo-tft-set-10kennen-tft-set-10yone-tft-set-10ezreal-tft-set-10aphelios-tft-set-10K’Sante TFT

Sett is weak against: Pantheon, Jax, Gragas. These champions are strong against Sett at most phases of the game.

Sett is strong against: Yasuo, Kennen, Yone. These champions are weak against Sett at most phases of the game.

Sett is good with: Ezreal, Aphelios, K’Sante. These champions are good connect Sett in the game.


I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Sona in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With

Sona is weak against: Taric, Neeko, Bard. These champions are strong against Sona at most phases of the game.

Sona is strong against: Tahm Kench, Nami, Lux. These champions are weak against Sona at most phases of the game.

Sona is good with: Ahri, Annie, Gragas. These champions are good connect Sona in the game.

Tahm Kench

I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Tahm Kench in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With
poppy-tft-set-10yasuo-tft-set-10K’Sante TFTgragas-tft-set-10kennen-tft-set-10kayle-tft-set-10Illaoi-tft-set-10olaf-tft-set-10sett-tft-set-10

Tahm Kench is weak against: Poppy, Yasuo, K’Sante. These champions are strong against Tahm Kench at most phases of the game.

Tahm Kench is strong against: Gragas, Kennen, Kayle. These champions are weak against Tahm Kench at most phases of the game.

Tahm Kench is good with: Illaoi, Olaf, Sett. These champions are good connect Tahm Kench in the game.


I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Taric in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With

Taric is weak against: Nami, Pantheon, Thresh. These champions are strong against Taric at most phases of the game.

Taric is strong against: Seraphine, Neeko, Senna. These champions are weak against Taric at most phases of the game.

Taric is good with: Blitzcrank, Gragas, Twisted Fate. These champions are good connect Taric in the game.


I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Thresh in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With

Thresh is weak against: Neeko, Seraphine, Bard. These champions are strong against Thresh at most phases of the game.

Thresh is strong against: Pantheon, Lulu, Nami. These champions are weak against Thresh at most phases of the game.

Thresh is good with: Katarina, Samira, Tahm Kench. These champions are good connect Thresh in the game.

Twisted Fate

I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Twisted Fate in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With

Twisted Fate is weak against: Neeko, Pantheon, Vex. These champions are strong against Twisted Fate at most phases of the game.

Twisted Fate is strong against: Ekko, Yasuo, Yone. These champions are weak against Twisted Fate at most phases of the game.

Twisted Fate is good with: Bard, Lux, Ziggs. These champions are good connect Twisted Fate in the game.


I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Twitch in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With

Twitch is weak against: Tahm Kench, Seraphine, Jhin. These champions are strong against Twitch at most phases of the game.

Twitch is strong against: Caitlyn, Lucian, Samira. These champions are weak against Twitch at most phases of the game.

Twitch is good with: Karthus, Jinx, Vi. These champions are good connect Twitch in the game.


I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Urgot in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With

Urgot is weak against: Olaf, Poppy, Illaoi. These champions are strong against Urgot at most phases of the game.

Urgot is strong against: Gragas, Kennen, Pantheon. These champions are weak against Urgot at most phases of the game.

Urgot is good with: Katarina, Samira, Thresh. These champions are good connect Urgot in the game.


I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Vex in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With

Vex is weak against: Ziggs, Neeko, Annie. These champions are strong against Vex at most phases of the game.

Vex is strong against: Ekko, Yone, Qiyana. These champions are weak against Vex at most phases of the game.

Vex is good with: Karthus, Samira, Twitch. These champions are good connect Vex in the game.


I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Vi in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With

Vi is weak against: Zac, Poppy, Viego. These champions are strong against Vi at most phases of the game.

Vi is strong against: Gragas, Evelynn, Ekko. These champions are weak against Vi at most phases of the game.

Vi is good with: Jinx, Pantheon, Gnar. These champions are good connect Vi in the game.


I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Viego in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With

Viego is weak against: Zac, Evelynn, Ekko. These champions are strong against Viego at most phases of the game.

Viego is strong against: Vi, Gragas, Lillia. These champions are weak against Viego at most phases of the game.

Viego is good with: Karthus, Kayle, Mordekaiser. These champions are good connect Viego in the game.


I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Yasuo in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With
annie-tft-set-10K’Sante TFTziggs-tft-set-10ahri-tft-set-10neeko-tft-set-10qiyana-tft-set-10senna-tft-set-10kayle-tft-set-10riven-tft-set-10

Yasuo is weak against: Annie, K’Sante, Ziggs. These champions are strong against Yasuo at most phases of the game.

Yasuo is strong against: Ahri, Neeko, Qiyana. These champions are weak against Yasuo at most phases of the game.

Yasuo is good with: Senna, Kayle, Riven. These champions are good connect Yasuo in the game.


I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Yone in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With
annie-tft-set-10lux-tft-set-10twistedfate-tft-set-10yasuo-tft-set-10ziggs-tft-set-10K’Sante TFTaphelios-tft-set-10ezreal-tft-set-10sett-tft-set-10

Yone is weak against: Annie, Lux, Twisted Fate. These champions are strong against Yone at most phases of the game.

Yone is strong against: Yasuo, Ziggs, K’Sante. These champions are weak against Yone at most phases of the game.

Yone is good with: Aphelios, Ezreal, Sett. These champions are good connect Yone in the game.


I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Yorick in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With

Yorick is weak against: Kayle, Olaf, Urgot. These champions are strong against Yorick at most phases of the game.

Yorick is strong against: Kennen, Illaoi, Yasuo. These champions are weak against Yorick at most phases of the game.

Yorick is good with: Gnar, Karthus, Mordekaiser. These champions are good connect Yorick in the game.


I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Zac in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With

Zac is weak against: Lillia, Amumu, Karthus. These champions are strong against Zac at most phases of the game.

Zac is strong against: Viego, Evelynn, Vi. These champions are weak against Zac at most phases of the game.

Zac is good with: Jax, Lux, Zed. These champions are good connect Zac in the game.


I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Zed in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With

Zed is weak against: Qiyana, Pantheon, Ziggs. These champions are strong against Zed at most phases of the game.

Zed is strong against: Yone, Yasuo, Ahri. These champions are weak against Zed at most phases of the game.

Zed is good with: Evelynn, Katarina, Qiyana. These champions are good connect Zed in the game.


I help you find to champions: Weak, Strong and Good with Ziggs in TFT set 10.

Weak AgainstStrong AgainstGood With

Ziggs is weak against: Yasuo, Jhin, Seraphine. These champions are strong against Ziggs at most phases of the game.

Ziggs is strong against: Caitlyn, Aphelios, Miss Fortune. These champions are weak against Ziggs at most phases of the game.

Ziggs is good with: Lulu, Bard, Nami. These champions are good connect Ziggs in the game.

[Also, SeeTFT tier listTFT items buildTFT champion ]

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I’am Zathong ! This my blog about game. I share general information about the game with you all over the world, for those who need it.
An individual who loves playing games, especially Auto Chess games (Teamfight Tactics, Auto Chess Mobile, Magic Chess build. Top Moba Game build guide (Arena of Valor, Dota 2 builds, Vainglory Builds, Onmyoji Arena Build, Heroes of the Storm builds, Paladins Builds, Brawl Stars build, Heroes Evolved Build, Battlerite Build, Marvel Super War build, Wild Rift Build). Top Game Pokémon. And top multiplayer strategy game as: (Fortnite, Rise of Kingdoms build, Adventure Build, Clash Royale Deck Build, Brawlhalla build, Clash Mini Build, Castle Clash builds, Naraka: Bladepoint build, Tower of Fantasy Build, Epic Seven Build, Nikke Build). That’s why I created this Game Blog to share information about the game and also fulfilled my wish to have a Game Blog of my own and Tier List. [ Support Information: Privacy Policy | Contact Me ]