Skirmisher TFT Build Set 5.5: Items, Comps and Abilities

Hey, I’m Zathong and this guide is about Skirmisher TFT Build Set 5.5.

Skirmishers gain a shield at the start of combat, and bonus Attack Damage each second.

  • 3 – 25% max Health Shield and +3 Attack Damage
  • 6 – 45% max Health Shield and +6 Attack Damage
  • 9 – 75% max Health Shield and +12 Attack Damage


Skirmisher TFT Build Items

Nidalee TFT
Nidalee TFT
Kennen TFT
Kennen TFT
LeeSin TFT
LeeSin TFT
Udyr TFT
Udyr TFT
Viego TFT
Viego TFT

Skirmisher TFT Build Comps

Abilities Champion Skirmisher (Classes)

Irelia surrounds herself with blades for 4 seconds and gains damage reduction, increasing by 10% each time she attacks, up to 90%. When the effect ends she strikes her target as magic damage.

Passive: Olaf gains Attack Speed for each 1% of missing health, and his attacks heal him.

Nidalee transforms into a cougar, leaping behind the lowest Health enemy. While in cougar form, Nidalee gains Dodge Chance and her Attack Range is reduced to 1 hex. Whenever she Dodges or critically strikes, her next attack deals bonus magic damage.

Jax slams his target for % of his Attack Damage and gains stacking Attack Speed for the remainder of combat. Jax leaps to the nearest enemy if no target is in his Attack Range.

Kennen engulfs himself in flame, dashing behind his target, then to the farthest enemy. Enemies he passes through are zapped dealing magic damage and stunning them.

Lee Sin slams the ground, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies and slowing their Attack Speed by 50% for 4 seconds.

Nidalee transforms into a cougar, leaping behind the lowest Health enemy. While in cougar form, Nidalee gains Dodge Chance and her Attack Range is reduced to 1 hex. Whenever she Dodges or critically strikes, her next attack deals bonus magic damage.

Udyr swaps between Turtle and Tiger stance with each cast, gaining the following benefits: Turtle: Gain a Health shield for 4 seconds. Tiger: Strike 3 times quickly with his next attack for % of his Attack Damage.

Viego corrupts the soul of his target for 5 seconds, stunning them and dealing magic damage, increasing 100% each second. Viego will be interrupted if he is stunned, and Viego’s allies prefer not to target his victim during soul corruption. If his victim dies, they are resurrected at full Health to fight for him, but they lose their Health per second. Resurrected enemies receive the Trait bonuses of Viego’s team instead of their own.

Teamfight Tactics

Mobile Legends

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I’am Zathong ! This my blog about game. I share general information about the game with you all over the world, for those who need it.
An individual who loves playing games, especially Auto Chess games (Teamfight Tactics, Auto Chess Mobile, Magic Chess). Top Moba Game build guide (TFT, Smite, Arena of Valor, Dota 2, Vainglory, Onmyoji Arena, Heroes of the Storm, Brawl Stars, Heroes Evolved, Battlerite, Marvel Super War, Wild Rift). Top Game Pokémon. And top multiplayer strategy game as: (Fortnite, Rise of Kingdoms build, Adventure Build, Clash Royale Deck Build, Brawlhalla build, Clash Mini Build, Castle Clash, Naraka: Bladepoint, Tower of Fantasy, Epic Seven, Nikke). That’s why I created this Game Blog to share information about the game and also fulfilled my wish to have a Game Blog of my own. [ Support Information: Privacy Policy | Contact Me ]