Hey, I’m Zathong and this guide is about Legionnaire TFT Build Set 5.5.
Legionnaires gain bonus Attack Speed, and their first attack after casting an Ability heals them for 50% of the damage dealt.
- 2 – 25% Attack Speed
- 4 – 65% Attack Speed
- 6 – 120% Attack Speed
- 8 – 200% Attack Speed
Legionnaire TFT Build Items
- Dragon’s Claw
- Warmog’s Armor
- Sunfire Cape

- Bramble Vest
- Dragon’s Claw
- Sunfire Cape

- Guinsoo’s Rageblade
- Infinity Edge
- Bloodthirster

- Bloodthirster
- Deathblade
- Guinsoo’s Rageblade

- Hand of Justice
- Guinsoo’s Rageblade
- Guardian Angel

- Hand of Justice
- Guardian Angel

- Hand of Justice
- Guardian Angel
- Rapid Firecannon
Legionnaire TFT Build Comps
Abilities Champion Legionnaire (Classes)
Irelia surrounds herself with blades for 4 seconds and gains damage reduction, increasing by 10% each time she attacks, up to 90%. When the effect ends she strikes her target as magic damage.
Yasuo strikes his target, dealing magic damage. He then empowers his blade, gaining stacking bonus true damage on-hit for the rest of combat.
Aatrox strikes his target, dealing % of his Attack Damage, and heals himself.
Draven starts spinning an axe, empowering his next attack to deal % of his Attack Damage plus bonus physical damage. It will return to his original location after striking the target. If Draven catches it, he will empower the axe again. Draven can spin up to 2 axes at a time.
Kalista hurls a spear towards the farthest enemy, dealing % of her Attack Damage plus physical damage to the first enemy it hits. If it kills an enemy, the spear continues and will deal any excess damage to the next enemy it hits.
Kayle ascends every a few seconds. Each bonus stacks with the one before, until she is fully ascended. 1st: Attacks deal % of Kayle’s Attack Damage as bonus true damage. 2nd: Attacks explode around the target dealing her Attack Damage and bonus true damage to adjacent enemies. 3rd: Every 7th attack grants Kayle immunity to damage for 1 second. 4th: Attacks cause swords to rain down around the target, dealing magic damage. (Passive)
Riven empowers her blade, stunning nearby enemies for 1.5 seconds and dealing them magic damage. For the next 8 seconds, she gains bonus Attack Damage.
Teamfight Tactics