Cuddly TFT Build Set 6: Items, Comps and Abilities
Hey, I’m Zathong and this guide is about Cuddly TFT Build Set 6.
Yuumi attaches herself to her nearest ally at start of combat, or to the lowest Health ally after being briefly unattached. Attaching grants the ally a shield equal to a portion of Yuumi’s maximum health, and Yuumi detaches if the shield is broken. While attached Yuumi is untargetable and can’t attack, but gains mana per second, and whenever the ally attacks.
Yuumi and Book launch waves toward the farthest enemy, each dealing magic damage and stunning enemies for 1 seconds. She then re-attaches to the nearest ally.
I’am Zathong ! This my blog about game. I share general information about the game with you all over the world, for those who need it.
An individual who loves playing games, especially Auto Chess games (Teamfight Tactics, Auto Chess Mobile, Magic Chess). Top Moba Game build guide (TFT, Smite, Arena of Valor, Dota 2, Vainglory, Onmyoji Arena, Heroes of the Storm, Brawl Stars, Heroes Evolved, Battlerite, Marvel Super War, Wild Rift). Top Game Pokémon. And top multiplayer strategy game as: (Fortnite, Rise of Kingdoms build, Adventure Build, Clash Royale Deck Build, Brawlhalla build, Clash Mini Build, Castle Clash, Naraka: Bladepoint, Tower of Fantasy, Epic Seven, Nikke). That’s why I created this Game Blog to share information about the game and also fulfilled my wish to have a Game Blog of my own.
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