オルマール(Ormarr)の装備,アルカナ,エンチャント [伝説対決 – AOV Japan]

伝説対決 – Arena of Valor(AoV)に登場するオルマールの装備,アルカナ,エンチャントビルドを紹介. 今見つけます!

  • 役割: ウォーリア, タンク
  • ロール: コントロール, モビリティ

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Gut Punch

Each time Ormarr deals damage, he has a 40% chance to stun the target for 0.75 seconds and deal magic damage equal to (3 – 7)% of your maximum HP. (6-second internal cooldown with a maximum damage of 250 to monsters)


Ormarr dashes forward and enhances his next normal attack to deal 150/200/250/300/350/400 (+1.15 AD)ˀ physical damage and knock the target into the air.


Ormarr bashes the ground with his hammer, dealing 215/260/305/350/395/440 (+1.05 AD) physical damage to enemies within range and reducing their movement speed by 50% for 1 second. Each cast that hits 1 or more heroes grants Ormarr a stack of fighting Spirit. After reaching 3 stacks, the next cast will trigger Gut Punch.

Walking Tall

Ormarr swings his hammer in a circle (he is able to move while doing this), each hit dealing 100/120/140 (+0.5 AD) physical damage to enemies nearby. His health is also restored by 2% of his max HP for each enemy hero hit (up to 6% at any given time). This ability cannot be interrupted but can be affected by movement debuffs. He can also use Unstoppable while spinning.










Indomitable x 10

  • 攻撃速度+1%
  • MAXHP+33.7
  • 物理防御+2.3

Benevolence x 10

  • MAX HP+45
  • HP自動回復+5.2
  • 移動速度+0.4%

Valiance x 10

  • MAX HP+37.5
  • クールダウン速度+0.6%



Veda – Afata





Read more: ヒーローTier表 伝説対決

伝説対決 – Arena Of Valor

Arena Of Valorは、Tencent Gamesによって開発され、Garenaによって公開されたマルチプレイヤーオンラインバトルアリーナゲームで、2016年末から、Android、iOS、NintendoSwitchモバイルプラットフォームで配布されます。

  • タイトル名: 伝説対決 – Arena of Valor –
  • ジャンル名: 5vs5MOBA
  • 対応OS: iOS, Android
  • 推奨端末: iOS9以上(iPhone5s以降) Android4.0.3以上(RAM 2GB以上)

Mobile Legends

Learn which are the best heroes to play in Mobile Legends: Zhuxin, Chip, Cici, Nolan, Ixia, Novaria, Arlott, Joy, Fredrinn, Julian, Melissa, Xavier, Edith, Yin, Phylax, Valentina, Aamon, Floryn, Natan, Aulus, Granger, Benedetta, Brody, Paquito, Alice, Esmeralda, Wanwan, Diggie, Natalia, Chang’e, Chou, Selena, Jawhead, Khufra, Roger, Lancelot, Kagura, Tigreal, Bruno, Mathilda, Kaja, Guinevere, Rafaela, Hanabi, Miya, Johnson, Gatotkaca, Zhask, Helcurt, Phoveus, Ling, Claude, Hayabusa, Beatrix, Gusion, Gloo, Yve, Zilong, Estes, Harley, Aldous, Luo Yi, Angela, Alucard, Uranus, Hylos, Atlas, Silvanna, Layla, Lesley, Yi Sun-shin, Eudora, Sun, Popol and Kupa, Lapu-Lapu, Franco, Pharsa, Barats, Alpha, Clint, Vale, Saber, Yu Zhong, Cyclops, Ruby, Fanny, Karina, Cecilion, Bane, Balmond, Freya, Lolita, Belerick, Carmilla, Lunox, Harith, X.Borg, Akai, Grock, Khaleed, Argus, Moskov, Leomord, Kadita, Nana, Valir, Baxia, Minotaur, Irithel, Lylia, Odette, Hanzo, Faramis, Badang, Karrie, Kimmy, Thamuz, Martis, Hilda, Aurora, Dyrroth, Masha, Minsitthar, Gord, Terizla, Vexana.

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I’am Zathong ! This my blog about game. I share general information about the game with you all over the world, for those who need it.
An individual who loves playing games, especially Auto Chess games (Teamfight Tactics, Auto Chess Mobile, Magic Chess). Top Moba Game build guide (TFT, Smite, Arena of Valor, Dota 2, Vainglory, Onmyoji Arena, Heroes of the Storm, Brawl Stars, Heroes Evolved, Battlerite, Marvel Super War, Wild Rift). Top Game Pokémon. And top multiplayer strategy game as: (Fortnite, Rise of Kingdoms build, Adventure Build, Clash Royale Deck Build, Brawlhalla build, Clash Mini Build, Castle Clash, Naraka: Bladepoint, Tower of Fantasy, Epic Seven, Nikke). That’s why I created this Game Blog to share information about the game and also fulfilled my wish to have a Game Blog of my own. [ Support Information: Privacy Policy | Contact Me ]