Wild Rift

Wild Rift Tank Tier List

Hey, I’m Zathong and is will share about Wild Rift Tank Tier List (S+, S, A, B, C). Best champion for LoL: Wild Rift. A list of all Wild Rift Champions listed in tiers who is the strongest champions in LoL: Wild Rift.


Wild Rift Tank Tier List

Tier list is a tool that allows players to see which champion are performing well in the current meta.

SBraum, Malphite, Garen.
ARakan, Leona, Alistar, Galio, Gragas.
BJarvan IV, Dr. Mundo.
JarvanIVDr. Mundo
CRammus, Nasus, Amumu, Blitzcrank.

S+ Tier

These champions are currently extremely strong and very hard to counter and have the ability to carry and win every game.




Role:  Tank / Fighter
Lane: Baron

Sion is a Tank/Fighter with split push and teamfight damage sponge.

S Tier

Often first-pick in their respective roles. These champions very powerful and effective and have the potential to carry games.




Role: Support/ Tank
Lane: Dragon

Braum is a Support/Tank has high durablity, heavy CC and surprisingly high DPS.



Role: Tank
Lane: Baron

Malphite is a Tank with high sustain damage, CC and strong mid and late game.



Role: Fighter/ Tank
Lane: Baron

Garen is a Fighter/ Tank has good mobility, cc resistance, can split and teamfight.

A Tier

These Champions will get you a win with good practice. In the right situation, these champions can perform very well.




Role: Support / Tank
Lane: Dragon

Rakan is a Support/Tank with amazing mobility and has a lot of crowd control.



Role: Tank / Support
Lane: Dragon

Leona is a Tank/Support with extremely tanky and strong CC.



Role: Tank/ Support
Lane: Dragon

Alistar is a Tank/ Support has a nice amount of sustain with passive and catch out of position enemies well.



Role: Tank/ Mage
Lane: Mid

Galio is a Tank/Mage with good AoE damage, crowd control, Good waveclear and really well in teamfights.



Role: Tank / Mage
Lane: Mid | Jungle

Gragas is a Tank/Mage with good waveclear, go through walls, and able to throw enemy carries into your team.

B Tier

The impact of these champion is often lower than the above. In the right situation, these champions can perform very well.


Jarvan IV

Jarvan IV

Role: Tank / Fighter
Lane: Jungle

Jarvan IV is a Tank/Fighter with good CC, good waveclear, and strong early ganks.

Dr. Mundo

Dr. Mundo

Role: Fighter/ Tank
Lane: Baron

Dr. Mundo is a Fighter/Tank with great sustain and incredibly strong against magic-damage.

C Tier

These gods haven’t been favourable. Their impact is often lower than those in higher tiers.




Role: Tank
Lane: Jungle

Rammus is a Tank with strong crowd control, very mobile and powerful ganking potential.



Role: Fighter / Tank


Nasus is a Fighter/Tank easy to learn, easy to play and strong mid-late game.



Role: Tank
Lane: Jungle

Amumu is a Tank with good crowd control, fast clear, good ganks and strong team fights.



Role: Tank / Support
Lane: Dragon

Blitzcrank is a Support with good crowd control, fast clear and can fit multiple roles on a team.


Sion are best Tank champion for meta current. But Wild Rift is game requires communication and time investment to excel in it. You need talk with your team to make sure you have the same game plan and pick the champion that fits.

Read more: Best Fighter in LoL Wild Rift

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