Category: Wild Rift

I’am Zathong ! Welcome to Wild Rift. Wild Rift belongs to the Moba game genre played on Mobile and was developed by Riot Games.

[ Must See: Wild Rift Tier List, Wild Rift Build, Wild Rift Codes ]

Top 10 Best Mage in LoL Wild Rift

Best Mage in Wild Rift for beginners are: Ziggs, Twisted Fate, Ahri, Diana, Katarina, Brand, Orianna, Akali, Veigar, Annie,… These champions are currently extremely strong. If you can pick, you’ll have somewhat of a head-start in the game. Best Solo 1vs1 Wild Rift Top Champions Evaluate 1 Ziggs Ziggs is the ideal champion for you if […]

Top 10 Best Solo 1vs1 in LoL Wild Rift

Best Solo 1vs1 in Wild Rift for beginners are: Fiora, Sett, Darius, Camille, Renekton, Garen, Riven, Dr. Mundo, Irelia, Jayce,… These champions are currently extremely strong. If you can pick, you’ll have somewhat of a head-start in the game. Best Solo 1vs1 Wild Rift Top Champions Evaluate 1 Fiora Fiora has a playful playstyle that will […]

Top 10 Best Fighter in LoL Wild Rift

Best Fighter in Wild Rift for beginners are: Sett, Fiora, Darius, Camille, Jax, Dr. Mundo, Irelia, Renekton, Riven, Garen,… These champions are currently extremely strong. If you can pick, you’ll have somewhat of a head-start in the game. Best Fighter Wild Rift Top Champions Evaluate 1 Sett Sett is a formidable champion that has the ability […]

Top 10 Best Assassin in LoL Wild Rift

Best Assassin in Wild Rift for beginners are: Zed, Lee Sin, Kha’zix, Diana, Evelynn, Katarina, Irelia, Ahri, Riven, Fizz,… These champions are currently extremely strong. If you can pick, you’ll have somewhat of a head-start in the game. Best Assassin Wild Rift Top Champions Evaluate 1 Zed With the ability to outmaneuver the opposing team, deliver […]

Top 10 Best Support in LoL Wild Rift

Best Support in Wild Rift for beginners are: Nami, Lulu, Rakan, Thresh, Yuumi, Braum, Morgana, Galio, Leona, Senna,… These champions are currently extremely strong. If you can pick, you’ll have somewhat of a head-start in the game. Top Champions Evaluate 1 Nami Although Nami is a fairly simple champion to use, there are a few skill […]

Top 10 Best ADC in LoL Wild Rift

Best ADC in Wild Rift for beginners are: Varus, Kai’Sa, Ezreal, Corki, Xayah, Caitlyn, Lucian, Vayne, Draven, Jinx,… These champions are currently extremely strong. If you can pick, you’ll have somewhat of a head-start in the game. Top Champions Evaluate 1 Varus If you want to check out Dragon Lane, Varus is an excellent beginning champion! […]

Top 10 Best Mid in LoL Wild Rift

Best Mid in Wild Rift for beginners are: Zed, Diana, Irelia, Katarina, Twisted Fate, Ziggs, Yasuo, Ahri, Jayce, Orianna,… These champions are currently extremely strong. If you can pick, you’ll have somewhat of a head-start in the game. Best Mid Wild Rift Top Champions Evaluate 1 Zed With the ability to outmaneuver the opposing team, deliver […]

Top 10 Best Baron Lane in LoL Wild Rift

Best Jungle in Wild Rift for beginners are: Fiora, Darius, Renekton, Sett, Camille, Garen, Jayce, Wukong, Olaf, Pantheon,… These champions are currently extremely strong. If you can pick, you’ll have somewhat of a head-start in the game. Best Baron Lane in Wild Rift Top Champions Evaluate 1 Fiora Fiora has a really entertaining playstyle that is sure […]

Top 5 best Jungle in LoL Wild Rift

Best Jungle in Wild Rift for beginners are: Lee Sin, Kha’Zix, Olaf, Master Yi, Xin Zhao,… These champions are currently extremely strong. If you can pick, you’ll have somewhat of a head-start in the game. Top 1: Lee Sin Lee Sin is an early-game powerhouse capable of out-dueling almost any jungler or champion on the map. […]

Wild Rift Mage Tier List

Hey, I’m Zathong and is will share about Wild Rift Mage Tier List (S+, S, A, B, C). Best champion for LoL: Wild Rift. A list of all Wild Rift Champions listed in tiers who is the strongest champions in LoL: Wild Rift. Wild Rift Mage Tier List Tier list is a tool that allows […]

Mobile Legends

Learn which are the best heroes to play in Mobile Legends: Zhuxin, Chip, Cici, Nolan, Ixia, Novaria, Arlott, Joy, Fredrinn, Julian, Melissa, Xavier, Edith, Yin, Phylax, Valentina, Aamon, Floryn, Natan, Aulus, Granger, Benedetta, Brody, Paquito, Alice, Esmeralda, Wanwan, Diggie, Natalia, Chang’e, Chou, Selena, Jawhead, Khufra, Roger, Lancelot, Kagura, Tigreal, Bruno, Mathilda, Kaja, Guinevere, Rafaela, Hanabi, Miya, Johnson, Gatotkaca, Zhask, Helcurt, Phoveus, Ling, Claude, Hayabusa, Beatrix, Gusion, Gloo, Yve, Zilong, Estes, Harley, Aldous, Luo Yi, Angela, Alucard, Uranus, Hylos, Atlas, Silvanna, Layla, Lesley, Yi Sun-shin, Eudora, Sun, Popol and Kupa, Lapu-Lapu, Franco, Pharsa, Barats, Alpha, Clint, Vale, Saber, Yu Zhong, Cyclops, Ruby, Fanny, Karina, Cecilion, Bane, Balmond, Freya, Lolita, Belerick, Carmilla, Lunox, Harith, X.Borg, Akai, Grock, Khaleed, Argus, Moskov, Leomord, Kadita, Nana, Valir, Baxia, Minotaur, Irithel, Lylia, Odette, Hanzo, Faramis, Badang, Karrie, Kimmy, Thamuz, Martis, Hilda, Aurora, Dyrroth, Masha, Minsitthar, Gord, Terizla, Vexana.

About Me

I’am Zathong ! This my blog about game. I share general information about the game with you all over the world, for those who need it.
An individual who loves playing games, especially Auto Chess games (Teamfight Tactics, Auto Chess Mobile, Magic Chess). Top Moba Game build guide (TFT, Smite, Arena of Valor, Dota 2, Vainglory, Onmyoji Arena, Heroes of the Storm, Brawl Stars, Heroes Evolved, Battlerite, Marvel Super War, Wild Rift). Top Game Pokémon. And top multiplayer strategy game as: (Fortnite, Rise of Kingdoms build, Adventure Build, Clash Royale Deck Build, Brawlhalla build, Clash Mini Build, Castle Clash, Naraka: Bladepoint, Tower of Fantasy, Epic Seven, Nikke). That’s why I created this Game Blog to share information about the game and also fulfilled my wish to have a Game Blog of my own. [ Support Information: Privacy Policy | Contact Me ]