Mobile Legends

Best Sun build 2025: Items, Emblems & Strategy [Mobile Legends]

Hey, I’m Zathong and this guide is about Sun Build in Mobile Legends. I will assist you in playing this Sun champion more effectively in Rank and Classic.

Best Sun build guides for Mobile Legends 2024. I works hard to keep my’s Mobile Legends builds and guides updated, and will help you craft the best Sun build for the meta. Learn more about Sun’s abilities, Items, Emblems & Strategy.

Role: Fighter – Gold: 32000$ | 599 Diamond

Specialty: Push | Damage

Lane: EXP

Hero Tier: A

Movement SPD: 260Physical Attack: 114
Magic Power: 0Physical Defense: 23
Magical Defense: 10HP: 2754
Mana: 400Attack Speed: 0.916
Hp Regen: 8.2Mana Regen: 3.2

Sun Spells Build

Spells are something that you can utilize in-game to give Sun an extra skill.

Sun Items Build

You need get the strongest items for Sun. This is how to make your heroes stronger and easier to win.

Sustained DPS


Attack Speed Effects

Pro Build (Recommend)

Effects items build:

EffectsRecommend Items
Physical AttackCorrosion_ScytheDemon Hunter SwordBlade_of_DespairWar AxeGolden_StaffBerserker's FuryHaas's Claws
Attack SpeedCorrosion_ScytheDemon Hunter SwordGolden_StaffWindtalkerHaas's Claws
Magic DefenseAthena's Shield
CD ReductionWar Axe
Movement SpeedCorrosion_ScytheWarrior_BootsBlade_of_DespairWindtalkerSwift_Boots
HPWar AxeAthena's Shield
Crit ChanceWindtalkerBerserker's FuryHaas's Claws
HP RegenAthena's ShieldImmortality
Deal damage based on maximum HPDemon Hunter Sword
Physical DefenseImmortality

Sun Emblems Build

Emblems are enhancements for Sun that provide effects as well as bonus attributes.

Sun Assassin emblems set 1:


Sun Assassin emblems set 2:

Sun Assassin emblems set

Sun Assassin emblems set 3:

Sun Assassin emblems set

Sun Skill Order

Skill Order: Skill 1, Skill 2 -> Skill 4 -> Skill 3

Endless Variety
Endless Variety
Swift Exchange
Swift Exchange
Instantaneous Move
Instantaneous Move
Clone Techniques
Clone Techniques

Effects from skills’s Sun:

Passive (Simian God): Debuff, Heal.

Skill 1 (Endless Variety): Aoe.

Skill 2 (Swift Exchange): Blink, AoE.

Skill 3 (Instantaneous Move): Blink AoE.

Skill 4 (Clone Techniques): Summon.

Sun Combo

These are the basic combos for Sun, I hope you’ll do well with it.

Combo 2: Skill 2 -> Skill 3.

Swift ExchangeSwift Exchange -> Instantaneous MoveInstantaneous Move

Combo 1: Skill 2 -> Skill 3 -> Skill 4.

Swift ExchangeSwift Exchange -> Instantaneous MoveInstantaneous Move -> Clone TechniquesClone Techniques

Combo 2: Skill 2 -> Skill 4 -> Skill 3

Swift ExchangeSwift Exchange -> Clone TechniquesClone Techniques -> Instantaneous MoveInstantaneous Move

Combo 3: Skill 4 -> Skill 3 -> AA -> Skill 2.

Clone TechniquesClone Techniques -> Instantaneous MoveInstantaneous Move -> AA -> Swift ExchangeSwift Exchange

Sun Pros & Cons

+ Has high durability.
+ Great damage.
+ Easy to play.
+ Very strong fighting as a melee.
+ Good push lane.
+ Creates distractions for the enemy team.
+ Can lock down a single target.
– Hard to target opponents.
– Sun’s shadow difficult to control.
– Lacks crowd control.
– Low mobility.
– Does not have escape mechanism skill.
– Low damage compared to other fighters.

Sun’s Rival & Teammates

Sun is strong against: Clint, Zilong, Natalia, Layla, Hayabusa.

Sun is weak against: Alucard, Miya, Freya, Alpha, Ruby.

Sun must team up with: Hilda + Irithel + Gord + Natalia.

Sun Play Strategy

Sun is a Fighter has great damage, high durability and strong fighting as a melee. You can use Sun for EXP lane.


Spells are suitable for Sun:


Using spell Petrify or Inspire for Sun Exp lane.

Items are suitable for Sun:

Attack Items:

Corrosion_ScytheDemon Hunter SwordBlade_of_DespairGolden_StaffWindtalkerBerserker's FuryWar Axe

Defense Items:


Movement Items:


If you like Sun sustained DPS you can use combo items: Corrosion Scythe, Warrior Boots, Demon Hunter Sword, Haas’s Claws, Blade of Despair, War Axe.

If you like Sun burst you can use combo items: Warrior Boots, Demon Hunter Sword, War Axe, Corrosion Scythe, Golden Staff, Athena Shield.

If you like Sun attack speed effects you can use combo items: Corrosion Scythe, Warrior Boots, Golden Staff, Demon Hunter Sword, Windtalker, Immortality.

If you like Sun pro build you can use combo items: Swift Boots, Corrosion Scythe, Windtalker, Demon Hunter Sword, Berserker’s Fury, Haas’s Claws.

Emblems are suitable for Sun:

Assassin emblems set:

  • Adaptive Penetration: +16.
  • Adaptive Attack: + 10.
  • Movement Speed: +3%.

Best lane for Sun:


Exp LaneX
Mid Lane
Gold Lane

Win/Ban/Pick Rate for Sun:

  • Win Rate: 51.36%.
  • Pick Rate: 0.23%.
  • Ban Rate: 0.06%.

Sun best for rank:


How to play Sun:

Use your skill 1 (Endless Variety) to harass your opponent. In order to simply and safely farm, your doppelganger will divert them from last hitting and force them to retreat a little.

Since your doppelganger will also follow the actual Sun to the opponent, skill 2 can be used after skill 1 to harass and confuse them.

When you get your skill 4 (Clone Techniques), go to Turtle and kill it.

Use your skill 4 (Clone Techniques) before going to teamfight

When you are far from team fight, push that lane.


Early game (level 1-7): During the laning phase, try to go to Turtle lane and harass your enemy.

Mid game (level 8-12): You can roam in other lane to ganking lanes, steal enemy buffs/creeps, or take turtles.

Late game (level 13+): Sun is very strong in the late game when he has full items. In teamfights, always prioritize deal damage to Marksman or Mage. You can push lane and take down turrets.

Sun Skills

Passive – Simian God

Enemies will have their physical defense reduced when attacked by Sun and Doppelganger. Sun will recover HP equal to % of the physical damage dealt by Doppelganger.

Skill 1 – Endless Variety

Sun will throw his staff in the designated direction, dealing physical damage to enemies hit.

Skill 2 – Swift Exchange

Sun will throw a golden rod in the designated direction, dealing physical damage and summoning a Doppelganger at his location.

Skill 3 – Instantaneous Move

Sun and Doppelgangers attack enemies together, dealing physical damage.

Skill 4 – Clone Techniques

Sun will summon a Doppelganger that exists for a period of time and inherits 70% of Sun’s power.

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