
Best Serqet build (Jungle) – Smite


Serqet is a Assassin God has high damage, high mobility and escaping abilities. So, I suggest you should use Serqet jungle, solo. Find best Serqet build guides (Jungle) for Smite. Learn more about Serqet’s abilities, Items, Relics.

Assassin | Polynesian | Melee | Physical

Pros: High Single Target Damage, High Mobility

Difficulty: Average

God Tier: B

Health: 560 (+78)Damage: 39 (+ 2.25) + 100% of Physical Power
Mana: 240 (+40)Physical: 20 (+3.1)
Speed: 370 (+0)Magical: 30 (+1.6)
Range: 12 (+0)HP5: 9 (+0.7)
Attack/Sec: 1 (+2.16%)MP5: 4.3 (+0.29)

Serqet Relics Build

Shard Relics:


Serqet Items Build

Pro Build:

Meta build:


Serqet’s Skill Order

Skill Order: Deathbane (Skill 1) > Cobra’s Kiss (Skill 2) > Ambush (Skill 3) > Last Breath (Skill 4).

Cobra's Kiss
Cobra’s Kiss
Last Breath
Last Breath

Serqet Combo

Find best combo skill for Serqet, I will help you do it.

Combo 1: Skill 4 -> Skill 2 -> Skill 1.

Last BreathLast Breath -> Cobra's KissCobra’s Kiss -> DeathbaneDeathbane.

Combo 2: Skill 2 -> Skill 1 -> Skill 4.

Cobra's KissCobra’s Kiss -> DeathbaneDeathbane -> Last BreathLast Breath.

Serqet’s Weak Against & Pairs Well

Weak AgainstPairs Well With
SusanoFenrirAwilixBakasuraMartichorasIx ChelKhepri

Serqet is weak against: Susano, Fenrir, Awilix.

Serqet is pairs well with: Bakasura, Martichoras, Ix Chel, Khepri.

How To Play Serqet ?

Win/Pick/Ban rate:

Win Rate46.46%53.85%41.48%
Pick Rate4.60%0.60%0.44%
Ban Rate0.29%0.12%0.23%

Best Relics for Serqet:

You can use Shard Relics: Wing Shard.

Wing Shard

You can use Relics: Chaotic Beads + Corrupted Blink Rune.


Best items for Serqet:

Start items – Jungle:

Eye Of The JungleBumba's DaggerMaceMulti PotionHealing Potion

Full Items – Jungle: If you like Serqet jungle, you can refer this way: Protector Of The Jungle, Jotunn’s Vigor, Malicious Deathbringer, Bloodforge, Hydra’s Lament, Evolved Rage.

Protector Of The JungleJotunn’s VigorMalicious DeathbringerBloodforgeHydra's LamentEvolved Rage

Full Items – Pro Build: If you like Serqet pro build, you can refer this way: Bumba’s Spear, Jotunn’s Vigor, Brawler’s Beat Stick, Hydra’s Lament, Envenomed Deathbringer, Bloodforge.

Bumba's SpearJotunn’s VigorBrawler's Beat StickHydra's Lamentenvenomed deathbringerBloodforge

Best lane for Serqet:


Solo Lane
Duo Lane – ADC
Duo Lane – Support
Mid Lane

Tips and Tricks:

You can use alternative items for Serqet as: Physical Power, Attack Speed, Physical Lifesteal, Physical Penetration, Crit Chance, Movement Speed, Cooldown Reduction, Mana, MP5.

Using her dash for early damage and using her taunt to control the enemy.

Early game: Actively put pressure on the enemy.

Mid game: Find a way to invade the enemy’s buff.

Late game: Find a way to blow up the big target.

Serqet’s Ability

Passive: Catalyst

Serqet’s basic attacks deal bonus damage if the target is affected by 2 or 3 poisons.

Skill 1: Deathbane

Serqet will dash 3 times from side to side, dealing damage to enemies and applying poison to enemies hit.

Skill 2: Cobra’s Kiss

Serqet launches his blade forward, damaging enemies and applying cobra poison.

Skill 3: Ambush

Serqet is invisible in place, she can jump up once to reveal herself and deal damage to enemies.

Ultimate: Last Breath

Serqet increases critical strike chance.

Assassins Build Other

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