Hey, I’m Zathong and this guide is about Omanyte in Pokémon. Learn more about Omanyte’s type, abilities, weaknesses, evolution, name and location.
Type | Rock \ Water |
Height | 1′ 04″ |
Weight | 16.5 lbs |
Abilities | Shell Armor: A hard shell protects the Pokémon from critical hits. Swift Swim: Boosts the Pokémon’s Speed stat in rain. |
Gender | ♂ ♀ |
- Because some Omanyte manage to escape after being restored or are released into the wild by people, this species is becoming a problem.
- This Pokémon is a member of an ancient, extinct species. Omanyte paddles through water with its 10 tentacles, looking like it’s just drifting along.
Omanyte Name in Japanese and Languages others
Languages | Name |
English, Spanish, Italian | Omanyte |
Japanese | オムナイト (Omnite) |
German | Amonitas |
French | Amonita |
Origin | ammonite: shell fossil -ite: suffix meaning ‘closely related’ |
Omanyte Weaknesses
Weaknesses |
Grass |
Electric |
Fighting |
Ground |
Omanyte Evolution

Rock \ Water

Rock \ Water
Omanyte changes
- In Generation 1, Omanyte has a base Special stat of 90.
- In Generations 1-3, Omanyte has a base experience yield of 120.
- In Generation 4, Omanyte has a base experience yield of 99.
- In Generations 2-7, Omanyte has a base Friendship value of 70.
Omanyte where to find for…
Red Blue Yellow | Cinnabar Island |
Gold Silver Crystal | Trade/migrate from another game |
Ruby Sapphire | Trade/migrate from another game |
FireRed LeafGreen | Cinnabar Island |
Emerald | Trade/migrate from another game |
Diamond Pearl Platinum | Oreburgh City |
HeartGold SoulSilver | Pewter City |
Black White Black 2 White 2 | Nacrene City |
X Y | Ambrette Town |
Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire | Rustboro City |
Sun Moon | Trade/migrate from another game |
Ultra Sun Ultra Moon | Route 8 |
Let’s Go Pikachu Let’s Go Eevee | Cinnabar Island |
Sword | Roaring-Sea Caves |
Shield Brilliant Diamond Shining Pearl | Trade/migrate from another game |
Legends: Arceus | Not available in this game |
Read more: Pokémon names