Epic Seven

Epic Seven Hurado Build: Skill, Equipment and Artifacts

Hey, I’m Zathong and this guide is about Hurado Build in Epic Seven.

Best Hurado build guides for Epic Seven. I works hard to keep my’s Epic Seven builds and guides updated, and will help you craft the best Hurado build for the meta. Learn more about Hurado’s Skill, Equipment and Artifact

Dark | Pisces | Mage

Hurado Build

Stat Priorities: Effectiveness%, Speed, Hp%, Def%.

Equipment (Gears)

Gears build for Hurado.


Team Build

Skill Enhancement

Order skill enhancement: S3 -> S2.

Skill List:

Staff StrikeActive
Dark Magic
Dark ExplosionActive


SoulsTagehel is one of the best artifacts for Mages, and Hurado is no different, despite Belian being anti-Soul.
StunsAbyssal Crown is a surprisingly good artifact on Hurado – after he strips with his s3, he can stun as well.
Buff Stripping[Acquired in Hall of Trials] Iela Violin bleeds in a bit with his s3, but it can let him strip buffs with his s1.


Total Materials:

  • Dark Rune x26
  • Greater Dark Rune x21
  • Epic Dark Rune x10
  • Blood Flaked Bone x9
  • Ancient Creature Nucleus x6

Memory Imprint

Imprint ReleaseImprint Concentration
DHealth +120Effectiveness +4.50%
CHealth +180Effectiveness +6.80%
BHealth +240Effectiveness +9%
AHealth +300Effectiveness +11.20%
SHealth +360Effectiveness +13.50%
SSHealth +420Effectiveness +15.80%
SSSHealth +480Effectiveness +18%


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Hurado Gameplay

Pros and Cons

Excellent in the arena against healing teams and an anti-healer
The first skill silences the opponent and stops them from employing their more potent abilities.
Boost dispel on all foes (against boosting arena teams)
is essentially a less expensive version of Basar with anti-heal
Low starting health
Outside of the arena, not very good; still needs to pass the EFF%/RES% check

How to play Hurado ?

When an enemy uses a non-attack ability, his kit’s anti-healing, AoE buff dispel, and additional CR increase all kick in.

With his third talent, Hurado can remove bonuses from the whole opposing team. He gains combat readiness when an enemy uses a non-attack skill, and his passive reduces healing effectiveness by 35% (and by a staggering 50% when leveled up). Although not as important as his s3, his basic attack can silence, which occasionally comes in handy.

Read more: Epic Seven Build

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