Epic Seven

Epic Seven Auxiliary Lots Build: Skill, Equipment and Artifacts

Hey, I’m Zathong and this guide is about Auxiliary Lots Build in Epic Seven.

Best Auxiliary Lots build guides for Epic Seven. I works hard to keep my’s Epic Seven builds and guides updated, and will help you craft the best Auxiliary Lots build for the meta. Learn more about Auxiliary Lots’s Skill, Equipment and Artifact.

Dark | Pisces | Mage

Auxiliary Lots Build

Stat Priorities: Speed.

Equipment (Gears)

Gears build for Auxiliary Lots.


Team build

Skill Enhancement

Order skill enhancement: S2 -> S3. (S2 will be priority, especially if you use him in PvP. S3 is not necessary as most speed battles end early.)

Skill List:

Black MagicActive
Mana InjectionActive


PvPAllows any of your DPS that require 20 souls to burn their skills for extra damage (Sez, Ludwig etc.). One of the most optimal artifacts for A.Lots, since he doesn’t need anything but speed.
Reduce CooldownHas high chance to lower S2 cooldown. At max level you can use his S2 every turn.


Total Materials:

  • Dark Rune x37
  • Greater Dark Rune x18
  • Epic Dark Rune x14
  • Blood Flaked Bone x12
  • Ancient Creature Nucleus x8

Memory Imprint

Imprint ReleaseImprint Concentration
CAttack 2.9%Health +4%
BAttack 3.6%Health +6%
AAttack 5.8%Health +8%
SAttack 7.2%Health +10%
SSAttack 8.7%Health +12%
SSSAttack 10.2%Health +14%


AdviceBeliefBizarre StoryComfortingComplain
CriticismCute CheerDreamFood StoryGossip
Happy MemoryHeroic CheerHeroic TaleHorrorInteresting Story
Joyful MemoriesMythOccultReality CheckSad Memory
Self IndulgentUnique Comment

Auxiliary Lots Gameplay

Pros and Cons

Support attacker with AoE silence (particularly helpful in the arena, stopping opponents from utilizing skill 2 and 3) and the ability to enhance both himself and an ally
High (35% base) crit rate
Can assemble extremely potent cleave arena teams (Sez, Ludwig, etc.) by wearing Tagehel’s Ancient Book
Low starting health
Has to move quickly in order to perform his second or third skill early in the arena.

How to play Auxiliary Lots ?

A powerful offensive wizard who can offer your friend an instant attack boost and turn. This implies that your primary attacker can be constructed with absolutely minimal speed and still do significant damage.

Any DPS, including C. Lorina, Sez, Clarissa, etc., can use this. His third ability can quiet them in an area of effect, preventing them from using their potent abilities.

He practically was created for PvP. He can be used well in PvE as well, especially in Abyss and Raid to set up your DPS for significant damage. Your first (and only) priority should be speed while developing A.Lots. Give A.Lots your best and swiftest equipment so he may advance first and outrun all of the adversaries. When developing A.Lots, any additional substats can, in all honesty, be put on the back burner because they are helpful but not essential. Additionally, make sure his S2 is fully skilled and has 100% Combat Readiness.

Read more: Epic Seven Build

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