Epic Seven

Epic Seven Angelica Build: Skill, Equipment and Artifacts

Hey, I’m Zathong and this guide is about Angelica Build in Epic Seven.

Best Angelica build guides for Epic Seven. I works hard to keep my’s Epic Seven builds and guides updated, and will help you craft the best Angelica build for the meta. Learn more about Angelica’s Skill, Equipment and Artifact.

Ice | Cancer | Soul Weaver

Angelica Build

Stat Priorities: Hp%, Def%, Speed, Effect Resistance%

Equipment (Gears)

Gears build for Angelica.


Exclusive Equipment

Emblem of the Holy Order of the Blue CrossStat Improvement: Speed (5-10)
Holy StrikeIncreases Combat Readiness of the ally except for the caster with the highest Attack by 15%.
Guide of the GoddessIncreases the amount recovered from Guide of the Goddess by 15%.
Guide of the GoddessDispels one debuff from all allies after using Guide of the Goddess.

Team build

Skill Enhancement

Order skill enhancement: S3 -> S2. (Angelica’s S3 will always be priority for the -1 turn cooldown. The S2 healing is optional but maxing it out is also good, especially for all content. S1 is not worth using molagoras on.)

Skill List:

Holy StrikeActive
Origin of LifeActive
Guide of the GoddessActive


Extra HealsThis makes her second skill heal for a ridiculous amount, especially on high health characters.
DefenseVery annoying to deal with + allow the strongest attacker to get their turn faster without having to build too much speed.
CR PushHelps to deal with her low base speed.
Debuff RemovalDue to a lack of debuff removal in her kit, using this artifact would be very helpful for her.


Total Materials:

  • Frost Rune x37
  • Greater Frost Rune x18
  • Epic Frost Rune x14
  • Special Alarm Loop x12
  • Heart of Hypocrisy x8

Memory Imprint

Imprint ReleaseImprint Concentration
CEffect Resistance 3.6%Health +4%
BEffect Resistance 5.4%Health +6%
AEffect Resistance 7.2%Health +8%
SEffect Resistance 9.0%Health +10%
SSEffect Resistance 10.8%Health +12%
SSSEffect Resistance 12.6%Health +14%


AdviceBeliefBizarre StoryComfortingComplain
CriticismCute CheerDreamFood StoryGossip
Happy MemoryHeroic CheerHeroic TaleHorrorInteresting Story
Joyful MemoriesMythOccultReality CheckSad Memory
Self IndulgentUnique Comment

Angelica Gameplay

Pros and Cons

Second skill is a good heal and only has a 2-turn cooldown.
The first skill has a small chance of stun.
Top healer with barrier, heal, and debuff immunity on her third skill (Full debuff immunity up time when soul burned).
Excellent healer for PvE and Abyss stuff.
For Wyvern or any other non-Earth map, a viable tank healer.
Extremely slow base speed.
After using s3, exclusive equipment removes debuffs.
No purification without Special Equipment.
A little less frequently used for Angelic Montmorancy.

How to play Angelica ?

One of the top PvE soul weavers is Angelica. She possesses the best equipment for a reliable healer all-around. She grants your entire squad two turns of extendable heal + debuff immunity. Her second ability is a double heal, which if it hits the same ally, can heal a lot. She heals more when her maximum health is higher. So give her as much health as you can.

Her initial ability has a little chance to stun, which might be helpful occasionally for landing lucky stuns on important adversaries. The fact that Angelica moves slowly at rest is her only drawback.

She can be used in every situation, including the Abyss, Raid, Wyvern, and even Golem if necessary. She can be summoned very easily, therefore that is a benefit.

However, she is no longer required as a must-have re-roll unit given the emergence of the speciality change Angelic Montmorancy. If anything, Angelic Montmorancy has started to cast a shadow on her.

Read more: Epic Seven Build

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