
Bronzor Pokémon: Weaknesses, Evolution & Name in Japanese

Hey, I’m Zathong and this guide is about Bronzor  in Pokémon. Learn more about Bronzor ’s type, abilities, weaknesses, evolution, name and location.


TypeSteel \ Psychic
Height 1′ 08″
Weight133.4 lbs
AbilitiesLevitate: By floating in the air, the Pokémon receives full immunity to all Ground-type moves.
Heatproof: The heatproof body of the Pokémon halves the damage from Fire-type moves that hit it.


  1. It appears in ancient ruins. The pattern on its body doesn’t come from any culture in the Galar region, so it remains shrouded in mystery.
  2. Polishing Bronzor to a shine makes its surface reflect the truth, according to common lore. Be that as it may, Bronzor hates being polished.

Bronzor  Name in Japanese and Languages others

English, Spanish, ItalianBronzor
Japaneseドーミラー (Dohmirror)
Originbronze: a type of metal
mirror: reflective piece of glass

Bronzor  Weaknesses


Bronzor  Evolution


Steel \ Psychic



Steel \ Psychic

Bronzor  changes

  • In Generation 4, Bronzor has a base experience yield of 72.
  • In Generations 4-7, Bronzor has a base Friendship value of 70.

Bronzor  where to find for…

Route 206, Mt. Coronet, Turnback Cave, Wayward Cave
PlatinumRoute 211, Mt. Coronet, Turnback Cave, Wayward Cave
Cerulean Cave, Cliff Cave, Dark Cave, Diglett’s Cave, Ice Path, Mt. Moon, Mt. Mortar, Mt. Silver, Rock Tunnel, Seafoam Islands, Slowpoke Well, Tohjo Falls, Union Cave, Whirl Islands, Victory Road
Breed Bronzong
Black 2
White 2
Abundant Shrine
Trade/migrate from another game
Omega Ruby
Alpha Sapphire
Mt. Pyre
Ultra Sun
Ultra Moon
Trade/migrate from another game
Let’s Go Pikachu
Let’s Go Eevee
Not available in this game
SwordSouth Lake Miloch, Bridge Field, Giant’s Seat, Giant’s Foot, Three-Point Pass
ShieldSouth Lake Miloch, Bridge Field, Giant’s Seat, Stony Wilderness, Giant’s Foot, Three-Point Pass
Brilliant Diamond
Shining Pearl
Route 206, Mt. Coronet, Turnback Cave, Wayward Cave, Rocky Cave, Dazzling Cave, Icy Cave, Big Bluff Cavern, Stargleam Cavern, Glacial Cavern
Legends: ArceusAncient Quarry, Celestica Ruins, Clamberclaw Cliffs, Lake Acuity, Stonetooth Rows

Read more: Pokémon names

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