Epic Seven

Epic Seven Shadow Knight Pyllis Build: Skill, Equipment and Artifacts

Hey, I’m Zathong and this guide is about Shadow Knight Pyllis Build in Epic Seven.

Best Shadow Knight Pyllis build guides for Epic Seven. I works hard to keep my’s Epic Seven builds and guides updated, and will help you craft the best Shadow Knight Pyllis build for the meta. Learn more about Shadow Knight Pyllis’s Skill, Equipment and Artifact

Dark | Cancer | Knight

Shadow Knight Pyllis Build

Stat Priorities: Hp%, Def%, Speed, Effect Resistance%, Effectiveness%.

Equipment (Gears)

Gears build for Shadow Knight Pyllis.


Team Build

Skill Enhancement

Order skill enhancement: S2 -> S3 -> S1.

Skill List:

Weakening BlowActive
Perceptive SlashActive


CounterattacksIf SC Pyllis counterattacks, she’ll have a good chance to provoke the enemy. One of the best artifacts for her!
More Hit Chance[Acquired in Guild Shop] Unity will help to increase her hit chance by another 20%, bringing her s3 up to a shocking 95%. You can use Oath Key in a pinch, if you already have Unity on someone else.
More DefenseNoble Oath is a bit of a niche artifact, but works very well on Pyllis, as it’ll greatly increase her Defense and EFF RES% the more damage she takes (a.k.a. the more her HP decreases).
Protecting AlliesAurius will increase her defense a little and protect her allies, by sharing some of their damage. The downside is that she’ll die a bit quicker, since she takes the damage.


Total Materials:

  • Dark Rune x26
  • Greater Dark Rune x21
  • Epic Dark Rune x10
  • Special Alarm Loop x9
  • Heart of Hypocrisy x6

Memory Imprint

Imprint ReleaseImprint Concentration
DDef +12Attack +36
CDef +18Attack +54
BDef +24Attack +72
ADef +30Attack +90
SDef +36Attack +108
SSDef +42Attack +126
SSSDef +48Attack +144


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Shadow Knight Pyllis Gameplay

Pros and Cons

A tank that is even better now.
Provoke is a skill she has on both skill 1 and skill 3, which immediately raises her defense.
Debuffs are now removed by her third skill!.
Can have a hit chance of up to 75% on her third attack (95% with A Symbol of Unity).
Still somewhat slow for base speed.
Can still be evaded on her S3, but the likelihood is much smaller.
Still counts on every fourth attack to boost the protection of her teammates.

How to play Shadow Knight Pyllis ?

Shadow Knight Pyllis has always been a bruiser unit with a very high defense and a focus on Provoking.

She maintained the former clause in her passive—”gains more defense whenever she’s hit”—and now improves the defense of her allies every fourth hit.

Read more: Epic Seven Build

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I’am Zathong ! This my blog about game. I share general information about the game with you all over the world, for those who need it.
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