Epic Seven

Epic Seven Kawerik Build: Skill, Equipment and Artifacts

Hey, I’m Zathong and this guide is about Kawerik Build in Epic Seven.

Best Kawerik build guides for Epic Seven. I works hard to keep my’s Epic Seven builds and guides updated, and will help you craft the best Kawerik build for the meta. Learn more about Kawerik’s Skill, Equipment and Artifact

Fire | Virgo | Mage

Kawerik Build

Stat Priorities: Speed, Atk%, Crit Rate%, Crit Damage%, Effectiveness%.

Equipment (Gears)

Gears build for Kawerik.


Exclusive Equipment

Proof of ChoiceStat Improvement: Crit Rate% (6%-12%)
Dimensional ExplosionIncreases Attack of the caster for 2 turns before attacking when using Dimensional Explosion.
Dimensional ExplosionInflicts decreased Hit Chance for 1 turn when using Dimensional Explosion.
Dimensional ExplosionDamage dealt is increased by 20% when using Dimensional Explosion.

Team Build

Skill Enhancement

Order skill enhancement: S3 -> S2 -> S1.

Skill List:

Spatial RelocationActive
Dimensional Corridor
Dimensional ExplosionActive


Soul BurnAllows him to soul burn for guaranteed dispel and skill cooldown increase.
DamageFor S3 burst damage.


Total Materials:

  • Flame Rune x45
  • Greater Flame Rune x22
  • Epic Flame Rune x18
  • Eternal Forest Dust x15
  • Demon Blood Gem x10

Memory Imprint

Imprint ReleaseImprint Concentration
BAttack 3.6%Attack +6%
AAttack 5.4%Attack +9%
SAttack 7.2%Attack +12%
SSAttack 9.0%Attack +15%
SSSAttack 10.8%Attack +18%


AdviceBeliefBizarre StoryComfortingComplain
CriticismCute CheerDreamFood StoryGossip
Happy MemoryHeroic CheerHeroic TaleHorrorInteresting Story
Joyful MemoriesMythOccultReality CheckSad Memory
Self IndulgentUnique Comment

Kawerik Gameplay

Pros and Cons

Elevated base assault.
The cooldown of a target skill is extended by skill number two.
With mola invest, skill 1 silence can increase by up to 75%.
When he has a speed buff, his skill number three is an AoE assault that overcomes defense.
Low level of survival.
Susceptible to retaliation.

How to play Kawerik ?

Kawerik is capable of performing two roles pretty well: either as a damage-dealer or as a quick support utility attacker who moves in first to take out important units on the other team.

He can be built quickly to benefit from going first and has a really high basic speed for a mage. Skill 2 into Skill 3 will be the combo for the extra defense penetration. His multipliers are adequate and allow him to act only as a damage dealer.

He does contend with Melissa for a place as the dispel mage due to his AoE strikes. The question then becomes whether you require an AoE attacker.

Read more: Epic Seven Build

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