Epic Seven

Epic Seven Inferno Khawazu Build: Skill, Equipment and Artifacts

Hey, I’m Zathong and this guide is about Inferno Khawazu Build in Epic Seven.

Best Inferno Khawazu build guides for Epic Seven. I works hard to keep my’s Epic Seven builds and guides updated, and will help you craft the best Inferno Khawazu build for the meta. Learn more about Inferno Khawazu’s Skill, Equipment and Artifact

Dark | Scorpio | Warrior

Inferno Khawazu Build

Stat Priorities: Atk%, Speed, Hp%, Def%.

Equipment (Gears)

Gears build for Inferno Khawazu.


Exclusive Equipment

Flame ArmbandStat Improvement: Atk% (7%-14%)
Malicus’s PowerBlazing Fury increases Combat Readiness of the caster by an additional 5%.
Malicus’s PowerGrants immunity to the caster for 2 turns when using Blazing Fury.
Flames of DestructionSilences the target for 1 turn when using Flames of Destruction. When the caster is granted Vigor, ignores Effect Resistance. This effect is applied before inflicting Burn.

Team Build

Skill Enhancement

Order skill enhancement: S3 -> S1.

Skill List:

Jealous StrikeActive

Malicus’s Power
Flames of DestructionActive


Increase CRIncreased CR push to cut enemies.
Speed and AttackStacks on his passive! Border Coin will greatly increase his ATK and Speed every time he procs his passive, which was already made to punish AoE-attacking units. One of the best artifacts for him.
Extra DamageConsidering how both of his attacks are single-target, Uberius scales off of attack, and 90% of Inferno Khawazu’s stats are going into Attack, this can be an insanely good artifact on him. Skill it up to +30 for maximum potential, though.
More Burns[LIMITED ARTIFACT] On paper, Junkyard Dog looks like it’s a decent artifact for Inferno Khawazu, and it’s easy to see why, with extra burn chance. However, remember the burn chance is only 50% when maxed out. Uberius and Border Coin are better choices for him.
Extra Hit ChanceUsed against Tempest Surins with Moonlight Dreamblade, to increase his Hit Chance. You specifically want this artifact and not A Symbol of Unity, due to Unity’s extra damage.


Total Materials:

  • Dark Rune x37
  • Greater Dark Rune x18
  • Epic Dark Rune x14
  • Erikion Carapace x12
  • Black Curse Powder x8

Memory Imprint

Imprint ReleaseImprint Concentration
CHealth 2.9%Attack +4%
BHealth 3.6%Attack +6%
AHealth 5.8%Attack +8%
SHealth 7.2%Attack +10%
SSHealth 8.7%Attack +12%
SSSHealth 10.2%Attack +14%


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Inferno Khawazu Gameplay

Pros and Cons

With his passive, he punishes units that use AoE attacks.
Burns does poorly on skills 1 and 3.
Since you don’t need crit rate or crit damage, building is simple.
One of the uncommon units that have the Vigor bonus.
Explodes, ignores Resistance, and uses his third skill.
Connects with Conqueror Lilias quite nicely.
High ATK (helps his Burn damage directly).
The speed is really slow.
Cleanse and immunity sort of counteract each other.
Strongly countered by Champion Zerato.
Although you shouldn’t rely on it, the damage he can cause on his own isn’t very high.
Even with Ignore Effect Resistance, Strip and Burn still depends on the attacker not Missing the strike.
To make sure that his Burns do the greatest harm, he kind of requires Attack Buff in addition to Vigor.

How to play Inferno Khawazu ?

One of the two units that can grant himself Vigor in exchange for favorable outcomes is Inferno Khawazu. When he possesses vigor, his s1’s 75% burn chance increases to 100%, causing two burns to land on the enemy. Additionally, his burns on his skill 3 disregard vigor’s effect resistance.

His Skill 3 explodes every burn the adversary has. Additionally, his passive essentially penalizes any unit that use an AoE skill.

Read more: Epic Seven Build

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