Epic Seven

Epic Seven Basar Build: Skill, Equipment and Artifacts

Hey, I’m Zathong and this guide is about Basar Build in Epic Seven.

Best Basar build guides for Epic Seven. I works hard to keep my’s Epic Seven builds and guides updated, and will help you craft the best Basar build for the meta. Learn more about Basar’s Skill, Equipment and Artifact.

Earth | Aquarius | Mage

Basar Build

Stat Priorities: Speed, Effectiveness%, Def%, Hp%.

Equipment (Gears)

Gears build for Basar.


Team Build

Skill Enhancement

Order skill enhancement: S3 -> S2 -> S1. (If you use him often in PvP for buff stripping, then S3 +3 is the best for the -1 turn cooldown. S1 and S2 are optional and having both at +3 is the optimal investment for him, to get the most effect chance.)

Skill List:

Sand WindActive


Soul BurnUseful for PvP combos to allow allies or himself to soul burn. One of the best artifacts for Basar, as a maxed out Tagehel will make him immediately ignore Effect Resistance.
StunIf you’re lucky, Basar will land his strip, CR decrease, AND Stun all at once with this Artifact.


Total Materials:

  • Life Rune x45
  • Greater Life Rune x22
  • Epic Life Rune x18
  • Order of the Shield Insignia x15
  • Fighter Medal x10

Memory Imprint

Imprint ReleaseImprint Concentration
BEffectiveness 4.8%Effectiveness +9%
AEffectiveness 7.2%Effectiveness +13.50%
SEffectiveness 9.6%Effectiveness +18%
SSEffectiveness 12.0%Effectiveness +22.50%
SSSEffectiveness 14.4%Effectiveness +27%


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CriticismCute CheerDreamFood StoryGossip
Happy MemoryHeroic CheerHeroic TaleHorrorInteresting Story
Joyful MemoriesMythOccultReality CheckSad Memory
Self IndulgentUnique Comment

Basar Gameplay

Pros and Cons

Damage reduction using S2.
Add a random debuff to the debuff applied to the adversary.
Extreme base attack.
Excellent PvP character, especially if he initiates the fight.
Reduce battle readiness and dispel AoE buffs with anti-buffs.
Minimum health.
If you don’t put some HP% on him, he’ll be vulnerable.

How to play Basar ?

Basar has a skill set that hinders enemy bonuses and lessens the damage the enemy can deal to your squad. He has the ability to return any debuff he receives while also adding a random debuff. He is a useful participant in the Azimanak Hunt.

His third skill is Basar’s strongest one. All enemy buffs are removed, anti-buffs are applied, and their battle readiness is decreased. This counters the majority of buff teams and is frequently disregarded by rookie players. This is helpful in the arena and may stop many boosted teams in their tracks. To guarantee that the strip lands, he can also soul burn.

He does have a drawback, though, in that he is fairly vulnerable and you will need him to have respectable speed and health in order to live and be able to cope with buff-heavy teams.

Read more: Epic Seven Build

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