
Brawlhalla Munin Combo Guide: Bow & Scythe

Hey, I’m Zathong and this guide is about Munin Combos in Brawlhalla. Munin is one of the available characters in the game Brawlhalla. Let’s just get into the details below!


  • Gender: Female
  • Bot Name: MuniNPC
  • Store Price: 5,400 gold
  • Store Description: Half of the fiercest rock duo this side of Helheim.
  • Released: October 13, 2021 (Release 6.00)

Munin combos


  • nLight; nAir
  • sLight; dLight
  • sLight; sAir
  • sLight; nLight
  • dLight; nLight
  • dLight; nAir
  • dLight; Rec
  • dAir; nLight
  • dAir; sAir
  • e dAir; sLight
  • (Diana and Ember) e dLight; nSig
  • (Diana and Koji) e dAir; dSig
  • (Ember) e dAir; nSig
  • (Koji) dLight; nSig
  • (Yumiko) dSig; nLight
  • (Yumiko) dSig; Rec
  • (Yumiko) dSig; sAir


  • nAir; sAir
  • sAir; sLight
  • Rec; nAir
  • Rec; sLight

Video Munin combos

Understanding Brawlhalla Combo Notations

Light Attacks can be Neutral (standing, no movement), Side (with pressing right or left), and Down. The notations for these attacks are nLight, sLight, dLight.
Recoveryhelps the characters return to the stage. It’s a kind of uppercut that pushes the fighter up. Recovery is an addition to jumps. It is called Rec in combo notations.
Ground Pound is a down heavy attack. The character falls with great speed, attackin
Air Attackshave the same variants as the Light Attacks: nAir, sAir, and dAir.
Signature Attacksdiffer from character to character. Press Heavy attacks while on the ground to activate them. Three variants (Neutral, Side, and Down) are possible for each weapon. These attacks often end a combo. You’ll see them as Sigs.
Gravity Cancelis GC. It’s a quick trick that allows you to perform ground attacks in the air. While jumping (no directional input), press dodge and the character will freeze for a moment. Then you can follow with usual Light or Heavy (signature) attacks.

Brawlhalla Combos Notations:

Light Attacks:

Neutral LightnLight
Side LightsLight
Down LightdLight

Air Attacks:

Neutral AirnAir
Side AirsAir
Down AirdAir

Signature Attacks (Heavy on the ground):

Neutral SignaturenSig
Side SignaturesSig
Down SignaturedSig
RecoveryHeavy in the airRec
Ground PoundDown Heavy while in the airGP
Gravity CancelPress Dodge while in the airGC
EndingThe next attacks start closer to the ende

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