Hey, I’m Zathong and i will share Taric voice lines in League of Legends by English/Japanese/Korean. Let’s just get into the details below!
Taric Voice Lines English
Pick | “That glimmer of hope you see, that’s me.” |
Ban | “Your decision-making is skewed. Look for clarity.” |
Moving | “I may be merciful, but Targon isn’t.” “The best weapons are beautiful.” “Sometimes, life is worth dying for.” “The question was the stars. I was the solution.” “The mountain’s mysteries are known to me.” “Why is it always the ugly ones?” Easy to look at? I’m sure of it. “The Protector speaks through me.” “I am no longer the man I once was.” “We’re all heading for the same inescapable conclusion. There’s no rush.” “Demacia was my home, but the stars are my destination.” “I have seen the light too clearly to ever fear the darkness.” “The mountain reveals the harshest truths in our souls.” “Human life is fleeting, a mountain’s life less so, but stars… stars are eternal.” “The stars freed me from myself.” “Starlight shines in my heart. I freely give it to everyone.” “The mountain showed me my path.” “Truth is worth fighting for, but beauty is worth dying for.” “True gems sparkle even in the absence of light.” “Elegance never helped win a fight, but it never hurt.” “Love is simply beauty crystallized.” “To truly see the stars, I climbed.” “We see beauty in the stars, and they see beauty in us.” “Just as the mountain is eternal, so is hope.” “Each life is a rare jewel.” “The mountain’s question is unique for each of us.” |
Taunt | “I made my offenses pay. It’s your time now.” “Let me broaden your worldview.” “I conquered the mountain. It’s your time now.” |
Joke | “I have traveled to both the top and bottom of the mountain. From both, we can learn a lot.” “Beauty can kill… and be macho. Very masculine.” “What was it that I saw up on the mountain? Rocks. Rocks everywhere.” “Much like a fine gem, I’m multifaceted.” “You know what they say about big gems, right?” “My gems aren’t merely outrageous, they’re fabulous.” “If you’re impressed, that’s OK. The Defender was as well.” “I’m much more than a pretty face.” “Two tickets to the gem show.” “Gems are truly, truly, truly outrageous.” |
Attack | “Let me make myself crystal clear.” “The heavens strike swiftly.” “To protect all.” “I serve life, but deal death.” “Beauty can stir one’s heart… or stop it.” “Gems always hold their edge.” “Beauty and life.” “I will shatter them.” “The stars care not.” “Memories are my worst enemies.” “This crystal will never crack.” “Wither in my radiance.” “These gems aren’t just for show.” “I ascended Targon Mountain. No, you didn’t.” “Targon weeps for you.” “I find all life beautiful… except yours.” “This world’s fragile beauty must be preserved.” “The stars keep the darkness at bay.” “The mountain endures.” “Don’t worry, I am here.” |
Taric Voice Lines Japanese
Taric Voice Lines Korean
Read more: Champions League of Legends Voice lines