Epic Seven

Epic Seven Chloe Build: Skill, Equipment and Artifacts

Hey, I’m Zathong and this guide is about Chloe Build in Epic Seven.

Best Chloe build guides for Epic Seven. I works hard to keep my’s Epic Seven builds and guides updated, and will help you craft the best BellonaChloe build for the meta. Learn more about Chloe’s Skill, Equipment and Artifact.

Ice | Sagittarius | Warrior

Chloe Build

Stat Priorities: Atk%, Crit Rate%, Crit Damage%, Speed.

Equipment (Gears)

Gears build for Chloe.


Exclusive Equipment

Prototype CrownStat Improvement:Atk% (7%-14%)
Magic BoltIncreases Attack of the caster for 2 turns when using Magic Bolt.
Magic BoltDispels all buffs when using Magic Bolt. (This effect is applied before inflicting magic nail.)
Hyper StrikeDecreases the enemy’s Defense for 2 turns when using Hyper Strike.

Team Build

Skill Enhancement

Order skill enhancement: S2 -> S3 -> S1.

Skill List:

Heavy StrikeActive
Magic BoltActive
Hyper StrikeActive


Wyvern ArtifactDaydream Joker is THE artifact to use with Chloe in PVE, as it’ll boost her damage to insane levels. The best artifact to use for Wyvern Chloes.
PVP ArtifactThis one will stop her reset on occasion, which could give her another chance to combo her S2 into her S3. Very much a gamble artifact, though, so use at your own risk.


Total Materials:

  • Frost Rune x45
  • Greater Frost Rune x22
  • Epic Frost Rune x18
  • Cold Look x15
  • Mercenary’s Medicine x10

Memory Imprint

Imprint ReleaseImprint Concentration
BAttack 3.6%Attack +6%
AAttack 5.4%Attack +9%
SAttack 7.2%Attack +12%
SSAttack 9.0%Attack +15%
SSSAttack 10.8%Attack +18%


AdviceBeliefBizarre StoryComfortingComplain
CriticismCute CheerDreamFood StoryGossip
Happy MemoryHeroic CheerHeroic TaleHorrorInteresting Story
Joyful MemoriesMythOccultReality CheckSad Memory
Self IndulgentUnique Comment

Chloe Gameplay

Pros and Cons

Burst damage to a single target.
does well with any DPS unit because the magic nail counts when allies are attacked.
The third talent has a magic nail debuff and can stun while dealing high damage.
The magic nail debuff increases damage based on the maximum health of the enemy.
Killer boss with a magic nail.
Beaten back by anti-debuff.
Requires casting a magic nail to increase damage.
PVP use is possible but not advised.

How to play Chloe ?

Chloe is a fantastic single target attacker with the special magic nail debuff, which deals damage equal to a percentage of the enemy’s health. When the magic nail is used, her third skill deals additional damage.

She can hit heavily, especially when the enemy has defense down, magic nail, and attack buff from Chloe. Build her with a high crit rate and critical damage to witness some incredible figures.

When DPS is needed for Wyvern and Banshee hunts, raid bosses, and specific Abyss floors, she is particularly helpful. Just make sure your team includes an attack buffer and a defense breaker.

She has a low defense, but the incredible damage makes up for it.

Read more: Epic Seven Build

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I’am Zathong ! This my blog about game. I share general information about the game with you all over the world, for those who need it.
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