Epic Seven

Epic Seven Celeste Build: Skill, Equipment and Artifacts

Hey, I’m Zathong and this guide is about Celeste Build in Epic Seven.

Best Celeste build guides for Epic Seven. I works hard to keep my’s Epic Seven builds and guides updated, and will help you craft the best Celeste build for the meta. Learn more about Celeste’s Skill, Equipment and Artifact.


Light | Sagittarius | Ranger

Celeste Build

Stat Priorities: Speed, Atk%, Effectiveness%.

Equipment (Gears)

Gears build for Celeste.


Team Build

Skill Enhancement

Order skill enhancement: S3 -> S2.

Skill List:

Precision FireActive


More Combat ReadinessWorks like Dingo’s S3 cooldown decrease. When someone dies, this artifact will increase everyone’s CR. Celeste doesn’t have to be the one to kill them.
HealingYou can heal a little with this artifact, but only if you’ve built her to have mild DPS. Otherwise, it’s not recommended.
Souls + CRYou CAN use Unseen Observer on Celeste, but the CR will be wasted since her s3 gives an extra turn. The souls only proc once.


Total Materials:

  • Light Rune x26
  • Greater Light Rune x21
  • Epic Light Rune x10
  • Cold Look x9
  • Mercenary’s Medicine x6

Memory Imprint

Imprint ReleaseImprint Concentration
DSpeed +2Attack +36
CSpeed +3Attack +54
BSpeed +4Attack +72
ASpeed +5Attack +90
SSpeed +6Attack +108
SSSpeed +7Attack +126
SSSSpeed +8Attack +144


AdviceBeliefBizarre StoryComfortingComplain
CriticismCute CheerDreamFood StoryGossip
Happy MemoryHeroic CheerHeroic TaleHorrorInteresting Story
Joyful MemoriesMythOccultReality CheckSad Memory
Self IndulgentUnique Comment

Celeste Gameplay

Pros and Cons

Self-sufficient with an attack and healing bonus.
Despite being a 3-star unit, it is somewhat undervalued.
Able to take the first turn in the arena (ideally matched with C. Dominel).
On the second talent, AoE reduces the enemy’s fight readiness (no cooldown if HP is greater than 80%).
The game’s second quickest character.
Minimum health.
Low base defense, sort of.
Keep her health above 80% to receive the no cooldown benefit.

How to play Celeste ?

Celeste can be used as a battle readiness disruptor in PvP. Her powerful base speed makes her a good option for fast teams. The cooldown of her unique second ability is not lessened if the user is more than 80% healthy.

If you team her up with a healer, you can very easily spam that talent. Her third ability completes it by increasing her attack and regaining 40% of her health.

She is a really niche character, though, thus hardly many people make her. However, you’ll want to construct her as rapidly as you can after you do.

Read more: Epic Seven Build

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