Epic Seven

Epic Seven Blood Moon Haste Build: Skill, Equipment and Artifacts

Hey, I’m Zathong and this guide is about Blood Moon Haste Build in Epic Seven.

Best Blood Moon Haste build guides for Epic Seven. I works hard to keep my’s Epic Seven builds and guides updated, and will help you craft the best Blood Moon Haste build for the meta. Learn more about Blood Moon Haste’s Skill, Equipment and Artifact.

Blood Moon Haste
Blood Moon Haste

Dark | Pisces | Soul Weaver

Blood Moon Haste Build

Stat Priorities: Speed, Hp%, Def%.

Equipment (Gears)

Gears build for Blood Moon Haste.


Team Build

Skill Enhancement

Order skill enhancement: S2 -> S3.

Skill List:

Blood ScytheActive
Moon SlashActive


SurvivabilityFor more tankiness and heal.
CleansingBecause Blood Moon Haste has no debuff cleanse on his kit, this will work as a backup cleanse (as you’ll be bringing him with an actual cleanser).
Combat Readiness IncreaseGeared more towards slower fights where debuffs aren’t the main focus, this one will work on Blood Moon Haste for boosting your main damage dealer.


Total Materials:

  • Dark Rune x45
  • Greater Dark Rune x22
  • Epic Dark Rune x18
  • Blood Flaked Bone x15
  • Ancient Creature Nucleus x10

Memory Imprint

Imprint ReleaseImprint Concentration
BAttack 4.3%Health +6%
AAttack 6.4%Health +9%
SAttack 8.6%Health +12%
SSAttack 10.7%Health +15%
SSSAttack 12.9%Health +18%


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Blood Moon Haste Gameplay

Pros and Cons

Counters resurrect area-of-effect attackers like Arbiter Vildred
Scales of health and talent for damage one can remove one buff
A versatile healer with both attacking and defensive abilities
Skill 3 ignores defense and heals all allies.
Mediocre damage
A critical hit cannot be dealt by Skill 3.
Is at best, a specialist unit when not engaged in combat with revivers.

How to play Blood Moon Haste ?

His first skill can remove an enemy’s boost. as expected of an ML unit. When a member of the opposing team is revived, his skill 2, which is his signature passive, offers his entire team immunity to debuffs AND a thick barrier. Arby or any other restored DPS won’t be damaging your team members much as a result, and debuffs cannot be used. A very practical niche skill that excels in PvP.

His third skill increases the resilience of your friends by lowering damage taken when it is usable. Additionally, the skill ignores defense (but cannot crit), doing respectable damage for a tank/utility healer. When a tanky unit is low on health, it can finish them off.

He is an excellent PvP unit overall for Guild Wars and the Arena. Worth cheering for veteran players in the last phase. To strengthen his barriers, it is advised to employ HP% on all of his right-side gear, with 150–170 speed being ideal for him. If you are unable to apply it to him, it is OK to swap the HP% boots for Speed and discover additional HP% in the substats.

Read more: Epic Seven Build

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