Hey, I’m Zathong and this guide is about Chaos Knight Build in Dota 2. I works hard to keep my’s Dota 2 builds and guides updated, and will help you craft the best Chaos Knight build for the meta.
Best Chaos Knight build guides for Dota 2 2024. Learn more about Chaos Knight’s abilities, items, combo, skill order and counter.
Attack Type: Melee
Strength: 24 + 3.2 | Agility: 18 + 1.4 | Intelligence: 18 + 1.2
Chaos Knight Items build
Meta build:
Pro Build:
Chaos Knight’s Skill Order
Skill Order: Reality Rift -> Chaos Bolt -> Chaos Strike -> Phantasm.
Combo Chaos Knight
Heroes combo: Chaos Knight + Ancient Apparition
Heroes combo: Chaos Knight + Vengeful Spirit
How To Counter Chaos Knight ?
- Good movement speed.
- Great damage.
- Tanky.
- Small mana.
- Weak against AoE abilities.
Bad against:
- Hero
- Items
Good against:
- Hero
How To Play Chaos Knight ?
Best items for Chaos Knight
Start items for Chaos Knight in dota 2 are: Tango, Enchanted Mango, Quelling Blade, Circlet, Gauntlets of Strength.
Meta items for Chaos Knight in dota 2 are: Overwhelming Blink, Scythe of Vyse, Heart of Tarrasque, Armlet of, Mordiggian, Assault Cuirass, Harpoon.
Pro items for Chaos Knight in dota 2 are: Armlet of Mordiggian, Black King Bar, Heart of Tarrasque, Monkey King Bar, Sange and Yasha, Echo Sabre.
Tips and Tricks
Any delusions you own within a 1375-radius are grabbed by Reality Rift.
The hostile channels are not disrupted by Reality Rift.
It is not altogether advisable to choose a Chaos Knight when facing opponents like Lion or Pugna who can quickly dispel illusions.
Since the critical damage from your Chaos Strike is so low in the beginning of the game, you should focus on maxing Chaos Bolt and Reality Rift first.
If you don’t need the armor debuff after a close range stun, it can be worth conserving Rift to gap-close once the stun goes off.
Chaos Knight’s Ability
Hurls an enigmatic energy bolt in the direction of the target unit. It deals random damage and stuns for an arbitrary length of time.
Teleports the target unit, the target unit’s illusions, and the Chaos Knight to a location along the line between them. reduces the enemy unit’s armor for 6.0 seconds.
Attacks made by the Chaos Knight and his illusions have a chance to deal a critical strike with extra lifesteal that ranges in power. Creep damage is increased by 1.6, but life steal is decreased by 40.0%.
Brings forth several phantom Chaos Knights from other dimensions. The phantasms are powerful illusions that deal 325.0% damage while taking 325.0% damage and deal 100.0% damage.
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