
Kingler Pokémon: Weaknesses, Evolution & Name in Japanese

Hey, I’m Zathong and this guide is about Kingler in Pokémon. Learn more about Kingler’s type, abilities, weaknesses, evolution, name and location.


Height 4′ 03″
Weight132.3 lbs
AbilitiesShell Armor: A hard shell protects the Pokémon from critical hits.
Hyper Cutter: The Pokémon’s proud of its powerful pincers. They prevent other Pokémon from lowering its Attack stat.
Gender♂ ♀


  1. Its large and hard pincer has 10,000-horsepower strength. However, being so big, it is unwieldy to move.
  2. Its oversized claw is very powerful, but when it’s not in battle, the claw just gets in the way.

Kingler Name in Japanese and Languages others

English, Spanish, ItalianKingler
Japaneseキングラー (Kingler)
Originking: a species of crab; royalty
fiddler: a species of crab

Kingler Weaknesses


Kingler Evolution






Kingler changes

  • In Generation 1, Kingler has a base Special stat of 50.
  • In Generations 1-4, Kingler has a base experience yield of 206.
  • In Generations 2-7, Kingler has a base Friendship value of 70.

Kingler where to find for…

RedRoute 23, Cerulean Cave
BlueRoute 23, Cerulean Cave, Seafoam Islands
YellowRoute 10, 25, Seafoam Islands
Route 19, 20, 21, 34, 40, 41, Cerulean City, Cherrygrove City, Cianwood City, Cinnabar Island, Olivine City, Whirl Islands
CrystalRoute 19, 20, 21, 34, 40, 41, Cerulean City, Cherrygrove City, Cianwood City, Cinnabar Island, Olivine City, Union Cave, Whirl Islands
Trade/migrate from another game
FireRedEvolve Krabby
LeafGreenBond Bridge, Cinnabar Island, Five Island, Five Isle Meadow, Green Path, Icefall Cave, Kindle Road, Memorial Pillar, One Island, Outcast Island, Pallet Town, Resort Gorgeous, Tanoby Ruins, Trainer Tower, Treasure Beach, Water Labyrinth, Water Path
EmeraldTrade/migrate from another game
Evolve Krabby
Route 19, Cliff Cave, Seafoam Islands, Whirl Islands
Route 4, 13, Driftveil City
Black 2
White 2
Virbank City, Virbank Complex
Trade/migrate from another game
Omega Ruby
Alpha Sapphire
Evolve Krabby
Ultra Sun
Ultra Moon
Trade/migrate from another game
Let’s Go Pikachu
Let’s Go Eevee
Route 12, 13
Route 9, Axew’s Eye
Brilliant Diamond
Shining Pearl
Evolve Krabby
Legends: ArceusNot available in this game

Read more: Pokémon names

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I’am Zathong ! This my blog about game. I share general information about the game with you all over the world, for those who need it.
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