Tier List

Aether Gazer Tier List (June 2024)

Aether Gazer Tier List

I will help build the strongest Aether Gazer Tier List in the current version. You will choose the best characters to help you build a more effective squad.

Aether Gazer tier list is a ranking of characters according to their strength/weakness, influence or value in the game. From there, it helps players understand the strength and personality of the character wall in the game, helping to choose suitable characters for different purposes.

Aether Gazer Tier List

Aether Gazer ranking will be divided into 6 ranks from S+ (Best), S (Good), A (Decent), B (Average), C (Worst).

S+Grade S: Tenblaze – Jinwu, Untainted Heart – Lingguang, Phantasmal Dawn – Hera.
Grade A: Enlightening – Heimdall.
SGrade S: Azure Lord – Mengzhang, Omnisight – Luliang, TaiYi – Gengchen, Living Osiris.
Grade A: New Pact Verthandi, Airgetlam Nuadha, Ailuros – Bastet, Shinku Buzenbo Tengu.
AGrade S: Shinri Tsukuyomi, Jin-ei Kuninotokotachi, Darkstar – Hel, Roaring Thunder – Thor, S-Grade: Puppet Master – Hades, Arctic Abyss Poseidon, Rahu Asura.
Grade A: Comet R4Y – Zenkibo Tengu, The Innocence Osiris, Cleansing Wind – Enlil, Wasteland Fiend – Kingu, Archaic Oath Verthandi, Windwalker – Hermes, Drowsie – Oneiroi, Frost Fang Vidar, Tidal Song Poseidon
BGrade S: AblaZe TYR, Ryugiri Kagutsuchi, Counterside Leviathan, Chord of Convallaria – Athena, Waverender – Skadi, Rage Serpent – Marduk, Jackal – Anubis, Backflowing – Oceanus.
Grade A: Sakubo Tsukuyomi, Dark Mistletoe Hodur, Gusty Lance Shu, Thundertusk – Kali, The Glare Apollo.
CGrade S: Early Sakura Ookuninushi, Flowfly Mist – Shu
Grade A: Radiant Feather Hera, Surefire Zenkibo Tengu, Croc Rage Sobek, Drifting Flurry Leviathan.

S+ Tier: These characters have great strength and the ability to lead the squad through every challenge.

Grade S:

Grade A:

S Tier: Flexible characters meet all the realistic needs of the squad. They have unique powers and easily replace different roles.

Grade S:

Grade A:

A Tier: Characters are strong in the early stages of the game but will lose its effectiveness later on.

Grade S:

Grade A:

B Tier: Characters that do not fulfill their role in the squad and are often weak in the late game.

Grade S:

Grade A:

C Tier: Rarely used.

Grade S:

Grade A:

Above are shares on how to build Aether Gazer Tier List from Zathong. I will continuously update the strongest and weakest characters for your convenience in this article.

Read more: Anime Last Stand Tier List

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I’am Zathong ! This my blog about game. I share general information about the game with you all over the world, for those who need it.
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